Examination of Patrick Begg
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fol. 242r
The Examinacion of Patricke Begg Late of the Nauan in the Countie of Meath merchant aged thirtie foure yeares or there abouts. taken the xixth day of October 1652 before the vs Gerrard Lowther knight Sir Edward Bolton knight & Thomas Dongan Esquire Commissioners for Administracion of Justice Oyer & Terminer and Gaole delivery &c.
The said Patricke Begg being Examined saith that he Confesseth he knew Richard Langfoord Late of Ardbrakan in the said Countie of Meath who was also Comonly Called Richard the Hoppman, and Confesseth he knoweth Wynifrid ffield wife vnto Thomas ffield the daughter of the said Richard Langfoord who was now present before him and Confesseth that the said Richard and his wife and Children came vnto this Examinants house in the Nauan in the begining of the Rebellion to whom he gaue some releefe, And alsoe Confesseth and saith that he hath heard the said Richard Langfoord was murdered without the said Towne of the Nauan neare the said Towne but by some of the Irish souldiers of the said Towne but denyeth that they were any of the souldiers quartered in this Examinants house, and denyeth that he this Examinant tooke or receaued any of the said Langfoords goods to be kept in trust for them or kept or detayned any of their goods from them or had any other goods left in his Custodie, And this Examinant being interrogated vpon the points of the Examinacion of the said Wynifrid ffield taken before vs concerninge the said Murder he the said Examinant doth absolutly deny all the other partes and particulars of the said Wynifrids Examinacion. And further
fol. 242v
And denyeth that Marty ne Nangle spoke vnto this Examinant to give any cloths vnto the saide <C> Winifryd but confesseth that the said Martyn spoke vnto this Examinants wife to give the saide Winifride som Cloaths and saith that he wished his wife to give vnto the said Winifride some ould cloaths that a man of his had bought of Charles Trafford and Christopher Wignell
Patricke Beggs
Gerrard Lowther
Edw: Bolton
Tho: Dongan
fol. 243r
fol. 243v
The Examinacion of Pattrick Begg touchinge the Murder of Richard Langford at Navan
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