Deposition of Edward Deane

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:57 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-07
Identifier: 811040r019


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Desecration, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: John Watson, Roger Puttock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 40r

Edward Deane late of aghram in the County of wicklow Tanner sworne sayth
That on or about the 13th day of November last 1641 This deponent was by the rebells robbed and dispoiled of his goodes of the values following vizt of corne worth x li. and above of beastes garrans & sheepe worth 100 li. howshold goodes worth above 20 li. Leather and Bark worth 250 li. wearing apparell worth x li. In all 380 li.
And this deponent and his wife and 7 children were expulced from this deponentes 4 howses and his farme Liveing at A oghrim aforesaid whereof he had a lease from Captaine Rochford for 48 yeres in being vnder the rent of iiij iij li. per annum: His interest therein being worth 100 li.: And from another leas for 29 yeres in being of a farme in Tennekilly within the same County: whereof his interest was worth xx li. at least, And that the parties that soe robbed him were < [ ] of [ ] lands> Luke Toole of the ffaltry within the County of wicklow Colonell <A> of 500 Rebells there, Luke Byrne of Killacloroin in the same County gent Captaine of 100 rebells Garrett mc Phelim Burne of Teutore in the same County gentleman a another Captaine of 100 rebells John mc Brian the sonn of Brian mc Phelim of Carraghcroe in the same County gent, Turlogh mc Hugh Duffe of lately resident with Mr Job Ward of Knockragh & steward of his Cort another Captaine <B> of 100 soldi ers Rebells and about 500 others in their companys & vnder their comand
And that divers of those Rebells sayd they were queens souldiers & fought for h her and made proclamacion that all English men & women that did not depart the Cuntry within 24 howres should be hangd drawne and quartered: & that the Irish howses that kept any of the English children should be burnd, And afterwardes the same Rebells or some of them did murther and kill hang one Edward Snape and Tho: Hanpach smith & others being English men And further sayth that the said Rebells did about the same tyme strip and dispoile the said Captaine Rochford Nicholas Bretney Tho: Holway George Clemence Stephen Weldon David Stanop Peeter Deane Thomas Walton James Shuttle wo rth and Stephen Sanders this deponentes neighbors & English people and their wives children and familys of their goodes & clothes, And is verely perswaded that the said Captaine Rochford was robbed and lost by the Rebells 1500 li. in goodes & chattells at the least and the Rebells burned 2 protestant bybles & the n said that it was hell fyre that burned : & burnd all his this deponentes writings & leases as his servant told him
<380 li.
100 li.
020 li.
Edward Deane
Jur 7o Jan: 1641 coram nobis
Roger Puttocke
John Watson
Edward Deane lost 380 li.

fol. 40v




4 Edward Deane Com Wicklow
Jur 7o Jan: 1641
Intr Cert fact
hand 13 Nov

4 26 +


Deponent Fullname: Edward Deane
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Tanner
Deponent County of Residence: Wicklow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Luke Toole, Luke Byrne, Garrett mc Phelim Burne, John mc Brian, Brian mc Phelim, Turlogh mc Hugh Duffe, Job Ward, Edward Snape, Tho: Hanpath, Captaine Rochford, Nicholas Bretney, Tho: Holway, George Clemence, Stephen Weldon, David Stanop, Peter Deane, Thomas Walton, James Shuttleworth, Stephen Sanders, * queen
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned