Examinacion of Richard Dighonan
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816252r159] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:09 PM
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fol. 252r
The examinacion of Richard Dighonan now prisoner in the ffower Courts sayeth
<B> That he was a trooper vnder the Comand of Lieutenant Colonell Barnwell when Phillip Carr was taken prisoner in Maye last, heard neere Manuth, & that Patrick Russhe Patrick Goch Teig Mallow & John Tyrrell was in his Company, Patrick Goch was on horsback & the other fower followed on foot, he sayeth that Goch took him prisoner, & that the rest they this deponent & Patrick Russhe were by the other three sent awaye towards Newcastle to gett one to goe from thence to Techroghan about an exchange
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or a ransome for the said Prisoner, & that they retorned back to the other three within 24 howers, & whoe tould this Examinant that they had killed the said Carr, because some of Brimighams Countrey would haue taken him from them, he further sayeth that the cloathes which now he weareth were the said Carrs cloathes, & that he bought the said cloathes of the other fower for xxxj s., his owne share beinge allowed him in the said somme, & Patrick Goch had his the said Carrs horse and armes to himself
The marke of Rich: [mark] Dighonan