Deposition of Jasper Synnott

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:05 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-03-08
Identifier: 811059r033


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: William Aldrich, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 59r

The examinacion of Jasper Synnott late servant vnto Sir John Hoey of Donganstowne in the Countie of Wickloe knight taken before vs the 8th daie of March 1641 by vertue of his Maiesties Comission v nder the greate Seale of Ireland &c.
[ ]
The saide examinate
beinge sworne and examined deposeth and sayeth that his saide late Masters rents yssuinge out of his Lands [ ] in the saide Countie of Wickloe before and att the breakinge out of this rebellion amounted to fower hundred fowerskore and twoe poundes tenn shillings by the yeare att leaste and that hee hath not received his rente since the breakinge out of this rebellion nor can as hee conceiveth receave the same duringe the continuance of the saide Rebellion save only twentie five poundes And that the saide Rebells have striped and banished severall of his English tenants, and haue robbed and spoyled them of their goodes and possessed themselves of his Lands and layde the same waste, Soe that hee accounteth and verily beleaveth the saide Sir John Hoey to bee deprived by this Rebellion and during the continuance thereof of fower hundred fower skore and twoe poundes tenn
shillings ster per annum _________________________________482 li. 10 s. per annum
Rents by the yeare att least besides his saide lands lying remote from Dublin are not like of a longe tyme after peace to be brought to the habitacion and improvment againe as they were when the Rebellion began
This examinat further deposeth that there hath beene of late built vpon his saide Masters landes aforesaid and vpon layed out in the improvement thereof the value and a the sume of three thowsand poundes att leaste of which hee can make noe benefitt by reason of this
rebellion _____________________________________________3000 li.

fol. 59v

And this examinat further deposeth that the Rebells in the saide Countie of Wickloe viz Teige oge Birne of Ballynwally in the saide Countie gent, Donnogh Birne his eldest sonn Cullagh Birne and Edmond Birne twoe <A> others of his sonnes, Luke Toole of Castlekevin Esquire of the said Countie, Dermott mc Gilpatrick of Kilmacurn in the saide Countie gent, Hugh mc Laughlyn of Ballymorreyes in the saide Countie gent, and diuers others vnknowen to this examinate kepte their Campe att Donganstowne and robbed and spoyled the saide Sir John Hoey knight of horses mares Cowes Oxen Sheepe Corne in the haggard Corne in grounde howshould stuffe brasse pewter beddinge Chayres stooles and other goodes and haue spoyled and defaced the saide howse in takinge away the leads and other things to the value of one thousand fower hundred & twelue poundes att leaste which this examinate accompteth the saide Sir John Hoey to bee deprived of by occasion of this rebellion _________________1412 li.
And this Examinate further deposeth that there are severall arrears of rents and other debts due vnto the saide Sir John Hoey knight by specialties and otherwise in this kingdome amountinge to above three hundreds poundes, some of which debtors beinge English protestants are robbed and vndone by the rebbells and others of them beinge Irish papists are all in rebellion, Soe that those rents and debts by occasion of this rebellion as hee conceiveth are become desperate and the saide Sir John Hoey likely to bee deprived thereof _________300 li.
And this examinat further sayeth that vppon the whole matter hee accounteth that the saide Sir John Hoey hath loste by this rebellion in his yearely rentes the
some of ______________________________________________482 C li. 10 s.

fol. 60r

And in goodes Chattles debts arrears of rentes and in buildinge and improvements
the some of ___________________________________________4812 li.
Soe that the wholle sum of the present losses besides the future amount to
Sum ma total is 5294 li. 10 s.
Jasper Sinnott
Jurat 8th March 1641
William Aldrich
Will: Hitchcock

fol. 60v


{64 Wickloe}
The examinacion
concerning Sir
John Hoey knight
his losses Jasper Synnott Jur 8 Marcij 1641
Cert fact Intr



Deponent Fullname: Jasper Synnott
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Servant
Deponent County of Residence: Wicklow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Hoey, Teige oge Birne, Donnogh Birne, Cullagh Birne, Edmond Birne, Luke Toole, Dermott mc Gilpatrick, Hugh mc Laughlyn
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel