Deposition of Andrew Hayes
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:21 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 129r
Andrew Haynes Hayes of the Towne and parish of Tipperary in the Barony of ClaynWilliam and Countie of Tepperarie clerke viccar sworne and duely examined before vs by vertue of &c deposed and saieth that about Christmas last & since the begininge of this Rebbellion hee Lost and was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chatles to the seuerall values followeinge vizt worth 192 li. part consisting of debts owing byOf Cowes Horsses and Mares worth thirtie pounds ster Togeather with Corne Threst and vnthrest in the hagard or hou ses of which Corne william Riane in the Towne & County of Tipperary togeather with his Tenants & followers haue taken away the most part e there beinge worth sixteene pound ster. he lost by meanes of this rebellion Togeather with the cost and buildings bestowed vppon a farme of land called Gortin Neale in the Baronye of CloyneWilliam in the aforesaid Countie of Tipperarie amountinge to the summe of ffortie pounds ster And hee further deposeth that hee lost a Ricke of hay and househould stuffe to the value of twentie one pounds ster. And further he e saieth that by bills due in the seuerall parties herevnder named and mencioned the summs of fower skore and fiue pounds ster. John Dobbin, gent John Mealrony, Jonacke English, Symon Taylor, Symon Boyton, all of Tipperarie parish, George Conway of Cashell, Robert Laccie of Ballintemple Richard all out in rebellion except the said Richard White & diuers White of Tipperarie and diuers others; The totall of his losses amounts to one hundred fourescore & 2 li. sterling And further hee deposeth that that besides he lost the benefitt of his Liueings of Tipperarie Sronell and Carediggin & worth comunibus annis one hundred pounds ster All which summes amountinge to two hundred nynetie and two pounds hee verily beleeueth to bee lost And further hee cannott depose & further he cannot depose.
Andrew hayes
Jurat coram nobis
26o Maij 1642
Tho: Bettesworth
Phil: Bisse.
fol. 129v
The examination of
Andrew Hayes