Examination of Henry Pierce
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fol. 288r
The Examination of Henery Peirce off Tristernagh in the Barrony of Moygush And County of Westmeath Gent aged five and Thirty or ther yeares or thereabouts taken the 17 ffebr: 1652.
Who being duely sworne and Examined deposeth as followeth,
That els Christopher Hollywood Andrew White and one then called by them ffather Browne but the examinant was since told that hee soe called Browne was Colonell Dowd, with six foot Souldiers in theire Company came to Castle Towne Moylagh in the County of Meath to the dwelling house of John Ware Esquire where they had not binn aboue an houre when this deponent obserued the said White and Hollywood picking qu e r l quarrells with the said Ware and his wife and frequently whisperring with the said White, And hee further sayth that hee hath bin told, that the said Holliwood and White with the rest of the Company mett with one Tho: Dowdall of Athlumny in the Towne Dorpatricke and would haue had the said Dowdall goe along with them to take the said Mr Wares Horses saying they would be a verie good booty And hee further sayth that after they had bin about two houres in the said Wares house, they went out into the yard with the said Ware in theire Company, And sayth that hee saw the said Andrew White goe forth with them, and retourned into the House to fetch Hollywoods pistoll which was left behind in the house, And Imediately vpon his retourne this Examinant heard a shott goe
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goe of, And presently imediately goeing forth found the said Ware dead in the dore And further sayth that hee hath bin told that the said White did imediately say now the Rogue shall never piss in the scabbard of my sword againe, And this deponent hath heard and doth verily belieue the said White Hollywood and theire Company did breeke open the stable dore and take out all the horses which they carried away with them And further this Examinant deposeth not.
Henry Piers
Taken before vs
William Meredyth
Cad: Wynne
Thomas Danser
fol. 289r
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The Examinacion of Henry Peirs of Tristenaugh
By Christopher Hollinwood
Andr. White
Col Dowde alias fa: Browne
for murder of John Ware
Ware went out with them
White went backe in to the house to fetchpistoll presently which was shott