Examination of Katheren Connar
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fol. 290r
The Examincion of Katheren Conough Connar of Gareskar in the County of Kildeare taken the 22th of ffebr 1652
This Examinate Katheren Connar aged 40 yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne & Examined deposeth and sayth, That at the beginning of the Rebellion in the yeare 1641 she this deponent Lived with as a servant with Mr John Ware at Castle Towne Moloagh, and about ffebruary she this deponent did see Andrew White and Christopher Hollowood (whom she had formerly knowen) and see there before) with others being foote souldiers, come to the howse of her sayd Master Mr Ware, And that she was in the Hall when they came in, and obserued many passages after a while of their discontent with her sayd Master, notwithstanding that he entertained them very kindly & commaunded that their horses should haue hay and Oates, & aboute an howre after they had bin there togeather her sayd Master went forth to see that their horses should be well looed vnto, and presently after him went out Hollowood into the yard, and suddenly sent in his boy to Andrew White to bid him come forth presently which said White answered for what, the boy replyed, that what they were to enterprise, they would effect at that tyme and therevpon White with his pistoll in his hand went forth and presently after the sayd White was gon forth she this deponent she this d heard a report
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of a gunn, goe off, at the report of which she being at that tyme in the howse with her Mistris sayd vnto her I feare these men come to murther my master, at which her Mrs replyed certainely if this shott haue hit him, he without doubt is killed, and then this deponent with her Mrs Ware daughter Mrs ffox Mary Ward rann forth, and found her Master iust within the doore fallen downe into the sinke, and there died by reason be of his wounds, presently vpon this the wife of the sayd Mr Ware came where he Lay, and meet the aforesayd Christoph: Hollowood at the doore calling to Mr Ware, o Brother Ware doe how doest thou, wherevpon she replyed, o Mr Hollowood thou hast vndon me, and put me and my Children in a posture of beggery, by killing my husband; to which Hollowood answered that if she should say soe againe he would pistoll her and soe went from him. And This deponent further sayth that at their goeing away she desired them that they would remoue her Masters Corpes which lay in the sink in the dirt to some cleaner place, but some of them replyed afor o thou cunning woman he ayles nothinge, And further sayth not
The mark [mark] of Katheren Connor
Taken before vs
Thomas Danser
Rowland Oakeley
fol. 291r
fol. 291v
The examination of Katherne Connor
Against Andrew Whit & others, for murthering Mr John Ward
W WBoy rann into White to goe about th Enterprise
White rann out with a pistoll & shott went off
Ware was kild
she lodgeth with Mrs fitz: Garret in francis street