Examination of John Elliott
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816296r183] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:21 PM
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fol. 296r
The Examinacion of John Elliott prisoner taken the 4th of March 1652
Who being examined sayth That as he was comeing vp a Lane in the Towne of Skreine about Whitesuntide was twelue moneth, and there he mett One Closker and another man standing together about 6 or 7 of the clock in the Euening and the sayd Closker frighted this <A> Examinants horse soe that this Examinant fell from his horse then this Examinant asked them, why they scared his horse and why they did not giue him the ways wherevpon the said Closker replyed to this Examinant who are you: that we should giue you the way, then this Examinant sayd he would make him know who he was, and soe pulle drew his sword and gaue the said Closker a Cutt in the head And this examinant sayth he had noe acquaintance with the said Closker onely had seen him before and further sayth not
The marke of Jo: [mark] Elliott
Taken before vs
Jo: Gay
William Petty
Thomas Danser
fol. 296v
fol. 297r
fol. 297v
John Elliot for murthering Philip Closker
A. A.