Examination of Edmond McGerroght
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fol. 316r
The exam of Edmond McGerroght of Dengen taken the day & year aforesaid
The said Edmond beeing duly sworne & examined by vertu of his oath sayth that he was in the howse of Richard o Gowne in Dengen aforesaid on St Patrickes day at night before Dungan Hyll Battell, & did see there in Company Gerrott Wisly Robert Taath both deceased and also Walter Cusacke Robertt Cusacke brother to the said Walter & severall others whose names he this examinant doth not remember, who continued in the said howse vntell mi d 12 or one a clocke of in that <D> night & did alsoe see there Edward Wisly servant to the aforesaid Gerrott Wisly during the aforesaid s aid tyme wayting on his [master] said master but did neither see nor hear that the said Edward offered to sell a coat or Cloake or s that night or say that he did kyll an English soulder or any man though this deponent beeing aquainted with the said Edward theis 8 or nine yeares past only that he heard Walter Cusacke vtter such words lately & further deposeth not
Edm: [mark] McGerroght his marke
Taken by vs
William Cadogan
Jocel: Vsher
Robt: Lill
fol. 316v
fol. 317r
fol. 317v
The Orriginall Examinacions taken the 11th of Febr 1652
Edward Weisley