Examination of Hugh O’Gowen
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fol. 340v
The Examinacion of Hugh o Gowen of Clon Catt in the County of Meath taken before vs the 14th of March 1653
The said Examinant, being duely sworne & examined saith That on Saturday the thyrd of this instant being he was in the howse of Mr Bryan Darly sub: shyryffe in Trym & in the Company of one Phyllip Brady. when & wheare the said Brady wispering in this examinants eare did tell him that he knew he was a friend to one Cohonaght o Gowen then pryssoner in Trym for Murther & therefore did advise this examinant to goe vnto the said Cohonaght & tell him from him, that if he would by Monday com seauenight after prepare a Certyfycate vnder his hand denying thereby what testymony he had formerly given against one Owen McDaniell Groome Brady at the suite of John ffearne. that then the said Phyllip Brady would cease to charge or prosecute any further the said Cohonaght on the said chardge of Murther which the said Cohought did refuse to give vppon the accompts thereof which this examinant did give vnto him & further this examinant saith not.
Hugh [mark] o Gowen his marke
Tho: Stanley
fol. 341r
fol. 341v
The Examinacion of Shane O Gowen &c.