Examination of James Carroll
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fol. 344r
The examjnacion of James Carroll of Killbrue in the County of Meath aged threescore yeares or thereabouts taken the eight day of June 1654
Who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith that about Allhollontyde last John Guy the examjnants son in law beeing in the feildes gathering water cresses =grases brought them into the examjnants house in Killbrue and did offer some of the Watergrasse to his the said Guyes wife to eate, but shee refused them and said for ought shee knew the said water=grasse grew ouer the English and then the said Guy askeing what English, shee answeared three Englishmen who were murthered at Kilbrue and cast in a ditch there, about the begining of the rebellion, where vppon the said Guy then tould his wife that shee should discouer and proue who it was that killed the said three Englishmen, then the said examjnant tould the said Guy that that man that was reported to haue killed the said three Englishmen laide buryed in the Church, and his name was Nicholas Meyler sometyme seruant to Mr Patricke Barnewall of Killbrue, The examjnant saith that hee doth not remember that the said the wife of the said Guy did then say that one of the men that killed the said three <A> Englishmen was dead and an other hanged, and denieth that the examjnant did then say that hee beleiued that Richard Andrewes now of Silloge was by when the said Englishmen were killed or wordes
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wordes to that or the like effect, The examjnant further saith that as hee remembreth the wife of the said Guy did then aske the examjnant whither or noe ko the said Richard Andrewes was then by when the said three Englishmen were murthered as aforesaid, and the examjnant answeared her that hee did now knowe, The examjnant further saith that hee was not in the said towne of Killbrue when the said murther was comitted neither doth the examjnant knowe of any person now liueing that can giue any euidence concerning the said murther, And further saith not,
James [mark] Carrolls marke
Taken and desposed bef the day & yeare aforesaid before
Fr: Willoughby
Hen: Jones
fol. 345r
fol. 345v
The examjnacion of James Carroll against Richard Andrewes