Examination of John Guy

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816346r230a] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:11 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-05-24
Identifier: 816346r230a


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Meath
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Investigative
Commissioners: Philip Carteret
Deposition Transcription:

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The Examinacion of John Guy abouesayd taken the day & yeare aboue written:
He sayth that about Christmas last being at the towne of Killbrewe where he liues he neere the said towne gathered 2 or 3 handfulls of [ ] grass watercresses and brought it them into his wife and asked her whether she e would eat any of them she answered noe for far all that shee knew they might grow over the 3 englishmens backs who were murthered in that towne he asked her how they came to be killed she Answered one of the men that killed them was dead the other hanged, his father in law being by Answererd that he beleiued Richard Andrews was by when the men was were kild vpon which this Souldier questioned the sayd Andrewes

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And he denyed it where vpon he Came to one John Simons liueing at Scurlocks towne and he desired him to goe along {with} him to seize vpon the sayd Andrewes which at firs{t} he refused to doe vntill they had orders but this Examinant pressing him feareing the sayd Andrewe{s} would make an Escape, att last Simons went with him, And when they came to Andrewes his house, they founde his wife was ready to lye downe and he fell a weeping and gaue them 500 fifty shillings to forbeare taking him are away vntill they had orders which in reguard they had noe wittnesses against him <against him> Simon told this Examinant it was in v aine to trouble a man being they had no wittness After After which this Examinant acquainted one Corporall ffairthook of Captain Turners Company with the whole busines who with one William Jargens belonging to the sayd Captain did questiond the said Andrewes but f Could finde noe good{ } against him and soe left the busines alone He further sayth that he acquainted on{e} Bartley Cheevers who with this Examinant went to Andrewes And this Examinant bad him lay hold on him for that was the man but he findeing nothing against him did noth nothing [ ] further he sayth not: But th at only that he Examin{ed} the townes men they saydh there was noe such thing But that in or about 7 seauen yeares agoe an Irish man who was troper vnder Captain Prat at Killeene which then was a garrison for the English oweing some money to Mr Barnwells man the sayd man did demanded the money of him But the trooper Challenged him to fight with him where vp{on} he comeing to the towne brought two English troopers with him and fought with Mr <C> Barnwells man h who killed him That the 2 English troopers thinkeing to revenge the

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Revenge the dead mans quarrell they were both knockt in the head by the sayd Barnwells man who <D> is since dead and a tory who is hanged & that at the time when this was done Mr Andrewes stood by in a shop. He further sayth that he never Received a money from the sayd Andrewes but the Aboue speceified fr 50 li. s. betwene him & Simons
John Guy

This is a true Coppy of the Informacion & Examinacion taken before the day & yeare aboue written
Ph Carteret
Aduocate generall

fol. 347v


The { } of Jane Elliot, and the Examinacion of John Gye a Soudier taken before doctor Carterett concearneing Richard Andrewes toucheing the murther of three Troopers sent vnto mee by doctor Carterett togeather with the said Andrewes prisoner the 26th of May 1654:

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Deponent Fullname: John Guy
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Meath
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Richard Andrews, John Simons, Corporall ffairthook, Captain Turner, William Jargens, Bartley Cheevers, Captain Prat
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Defendant, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned