Deposition of Donnogh Flynn
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:04 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 138r
Donnogh flynn alias Hanlon of the towne of and Countie of wickloe an Irish protestant beinge duely sworne and examined deposeth and sayth That in Nove the moneth of November last past, This deponent casually comeinge into the Company house of one Thomas <A> Ashbold of the said towne of wickloe where the said Ashbold and seuerall others were then drinkinge the said Ashbold asked this deponent whether he would pledge their Maisters health and the deponent then demaundinge of him whoe was their Maister the said Archbold answered (the Pope) wherevpon this deponent beinge vnwillinge to pledge the same, the said Ashbold said he deserved to haue his head cutt of And <B> after this deponent (through the said Ashboldes threates) had pledged the same he demaunded whether this deponent would pledge their Mistress health wh and he likewise demaundinge who was their Mistress he the said Asbold sayed (the Queene of England) to which this deponent replyed shee was to good a Mistress for such a rebellious company, wherevpon the said Ashbold againe sayed it cu were a good deed to cutt of this deponents head and keep sett it vpon the table before them vseinge many other threatninge wordes towardes him And therevpon this deponent for safety of his life fledd out of their company in his Maiesties Castle of wickloe where he was before and hath ever since remained in defence of the same against the Rebells beinge often tymes since besett and assaulted by the Irish papistes of that countie who affirmedge that dublin and drogheda w a were taken, and that it was but in vaine for such Rebells as they (meaninge them that kept it for his Maiestie) to withstand them or keepe the same
Donough Hanndlon
Jurat xijo Maij 1642
Hen: Brereton
William Hitchcocke
fol. 138v
Donnogh flynn alias Hanlon
Jurat xijo May 1642
Intr in Nov