Examination of Bryan ô Neddelee
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=817100r089] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:09 PM
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fol. 100r
The Examinacion of Bryan ô Neddelee of Killininy in the County of Westmeath before vs whose names are vnder written in under concerninge the Murthering of severall English of at the Bridge of Ballaneclee the 2d day of May 1653
This depon Examinat saith that hee for this 30 yeares past lived in Killininy aforesaid but at the tyme of the Murtheringe of the said English was about fiue miles from the place, but was told by one Donell ô Brickaine of Killininy that was sent the same day thether with some Milke to the servants that was keepeinge the house of Killininy the daye before the English were Killed and at his returne told this deponent that their was severall English Killed, But this deponent Examinat did not demaund who it was that Killed them And likewise was told by one William Mc Keogo who was then resident at Killininy that there was severall Killed at the said Bridge but whoe it was that and further saith not
[mark] the marke of
Bryan ô: Neddelee
Signed in the
presence of
Robertt Isaack
Ridgley Hattfeild
fol. 100v
The Examinacion of Bryan ô
Neddelee of Ballaniny