Deposition of Elizabeth Lison
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:42 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 152r
Elizabeth Lison late of delgin in the County of Wickloe widdow Sworne [and] deposeth and sayth That since the begininge of this present Rebellion her (vizt) about a month before Christmas last past her late husband John Lison late of delgin aforesaid was hanged by the Rebells of that county at Ballygarney in the said County of Wickloe by the Rebells of that County vizt by Morgan <A> mc Edmond and Brian of the Kellory in the said County and Brian ffynne of the downe in the same County yeome n as this Examinante was informed, and as they both confessed afterwardes to her this <A> Examinante And further sayth that shee ever since her said husbandes death shee liued with John Walshe of Killnicargie gentleman (within whom her said husband formerly liued) and that about three weekes since before Easter the said Morgan <B> mc Edmond and Brian ffynne with two others whose names this Examinante knoweth not came to the said John Walsh his house (the said Walsh and his wife being absent gone [ ] ) and from thence violently tooke this Examinante and brought her to Ballygarney in the said County to one Captaine Toole [Tooell] a Comaunder of the Rebells <C> there and George Hackett their Marshall there whoe threatned to hange this Examinante and then except shee could procure security to be true to the Irish Army and therevpon sent her this deponent to Arckloe Gaole where she remained where she had bine Comitted in most miserable manner but that one of their Comaunders there (whose name this Examinante knoweth not) tooke pitty of her and lett her goe abroad, by meanes whereof she escapped and cameinge to dublin but was seuerall tymes by the way threatned to be hanged by the Rebells of that and at Polton hill in the said County seuerall
fol. 152v
vpon Munday in Easter weeke last seuerall of the said Rebells whose names shee knowes not tooke this Examinante and putt a rope about her necke and tyed her vpp to the Gallowes vntill shee was allmost hanged, but afterwardes tooke her downe and sayed that shee should not be hanged, but should be shott to death, which they said Rebells would did would haue attempted to doe but that their cheife comaunder did sent her away after that he had sworne her not to come neere the English Army, And shee further sayth that before her said husbandes dea was hanged as aforesaid they were robbed and dispoyled of the goodes and Chattles and to the values followinge (vizt) ten English Cowes worth xxx li. one horse & Mare worth Eight Poundes In househould goodes prouision and apparell x li. besides apparell which she left in the said Mr Walsh his house at the tyme of her takeinge away from thence and which shee is like to loose worth <lvi li.> 5 li. and iij li. x s . in wages due to her all which amounteth to xl[ ] li. lvj li all which was taken away by the said Morgan mc Edmond <A.> and Brian mc ffynne and Phillipp รด Realy neere about the Kellory aforesaid and others Rebells whose names shee knowes not
Signum Elizabeth [mark] Lison
Jurat xxi April 1642
William Hitchcocke
William Aldrich
fol. 153r
fol. 153v
79 Wickloe 165
Elizabeth Lison of
delgin widdow Jurat
xxio Apr 1642
Cert hand
Intr Ext
25 No
Elizabeth Lison of R