Deposition of Rice Oliverson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:15 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 158r
Rice Oliverson of the parish of Drumkah in the Countye of Wicklow weaver A Brittish protestant duly sworne sayth that one or about the fourteenth day of November last past and vpon the fifteenth and eyghteenth day of the sayd month haue been robbd and by force of Armes assaulted and most Tyrannically haue lost, In hay to the value of fortye shillinges ster: In Cattell one Cow and a Bullocke, one horse, nyne hoggs, to the value of eyght pounds on shilling fiue pence ster: In cloth and yearne to the value of sixe pounds fiue shillinges ster: In Loomes and other implements belonging therevnto together with a booke belonging to the trade to the value of 7 pounds twelfe shillinges ster: In houshould stuffe, bookes, fyrin{g} and Gardeninge to the value of * eyghteen pounds fiue shillinges ster <*23 li. 3 s. 4 d.> In depts twelfe shillinges ster: for his Lease held from Mr James Bentlye Clerk and repayring to the value of seaven pounds ster: In all amounting to the iust and full summe of fiftye nyne pounds fifteen <59 li. 15 s. 5 d.> shillinges fiue pence ster: By the hands and meanes of <A> Tirlagh Quinn in the Towne of Rathnowe in the Barrony of Correnroe within the Countye of Wicklowe, And Richard Quinn of the Towne of Wicklowe together with many other wicked company depending on the said Persons The reason why the deponent chargeth the sayd people because that the deponent found some parcell of his goods in theire sayd houses, And further deposeth not but this the deponent deposeth and affirmeth to be true And the deponent sayth that John Pierce of Wicklowe and Simon a Tanner aprentice vnto Mr Burn of the towne Wicklowe and Thomas Hulston, of Rathnow in the County of Wicklowe, and George Story of the parish of Wicklow, James Goodman of Curronroe in the County <B> of Wicklowe Thomas Hamon of the parish of Wicklowe and Dolin mc Shane of Ballinlea in the County of Wicklo{w} and William Holywood of Milltowne, Nicholas Pastbord of Rathnow in the County of Wicklow and one Sheby a shepherd vnto Mr John Vsher of Killoghter all which being Protestants stayd behind amongst the Rebells and now supposed to goe to Masse liueing still and abiding amongst them:
Rees Oliversonn
Jurat 13th Junij 1642
John Sterne
Will Hitchcocke
fol. 158v