Deposition of Henry fitzWilliams
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:15 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 163r
Henry fiztzwilliams of the Beanagh in the parishe of Stagonnan and halfe Barrony of Rathedowne and Com of wickloe, being duely sworne saieth, That on or aboute the first of december last, hee was att his howse aforsaid robbed and dispoyled of his goodes of the values ofollowing vizt In corne to the value of one pounde tenn shillings In Cattell and beasts to the value of two and thirty pounds Two showes to the value of one pounde, In Haye to the value of one pounde, In howshould goods to the value of twenty poundes, In ready mony lost three pounds, All amounting to the sume of fiftie eight pounds tenn <A> shillings, By or by the meanes of Luke Toole of Castlekeavan, his soones and confederates
Henry [mark] fitzwilliames marke
Jurat 25to Januarij 1641
John Sterne
Will: Hitchcock
fol. 163v
25 o
Henry fiztwilliams
Jur 25 Jan 1641
Intw 1 dec