Deposition of John Owgan
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:57 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 39r
John Owgan of downeraile in the parish of the said place Rastocke and Barrony of ffermoy within the Countie of Corcke Brittish (a protestant) duely sworne and Examined before vs by vertue of &c deposeth and saith That in or aboute Christmas last & other times since as hee now Remembres hee lost and and had stolen from hi{m} of his goods and Chattles by the Rebells to the seuerall values followinge viz value of 286 li. part consisting of his Cattle as Cowes yeerling s steeres and heifers to
the value of ------------------------------------------------------- 35 li. -0 s. -0 d.
of his Mares & horses to the value of ------------------------- 30-0-0
of his interest in the farme of parte of the
land of CastlemcAwlif worth aboue the lanlords
rent to the value of 12 li. haueing a lease therein
for 14 yeares to comne which hee valueth to bee
worth ---------------------------------------------------------------100-0-0
<A> of debts which hee accounted good debts
before this Rebellion vpon William Roch &
Teige mc daniell Cartie ------------------------------------------ 20-0-0
vpon Gerrald mc Euery ------------------------------------------ 3-0-0
vpon David verdon ----------------------------------------------- 6-0-0
vpon Ellen & Sheely mc Awlife -------------------------------- 40-0-0
vpon Ellen Lacey -------------------------------------------------- 4-0-0
vpon donnogh Murry et ------------------------------------------ 10-0-0
vpon donnogh Sheighane ---------------------------------------- 3-0-0
vpon Patrick haley ------------------------------------------------ 4-0-0
vpon Edmond Harbert -------------------------------------------- 2-0-0
vpon Phillip Hogan ----------------------------------------------- 2-0-0
vpon Roger Hicky ------------------------------------------------ 4-0-0
vpon William Galway -------------------------------------------- 20-0-0
vpon daniell mc Mulpatrick daniell o shea et ----------------- 3-0-0
All which persons this deponent conceiueth
& beleeueth are Rebells -----------------------------------------286-0-0Jur Coram
Debts due from English men & subiects which were lost theire goods by the Rebells viz t a s hee beleeueth vizt
vpon Phillip Leaden ---------------------------------------------- 12-0-0
vpon Richard Rich manand -------------------------------------- 7-0-0
vpon John Swaine ------------------------------------------------- 4-0-0
fol. 39v
1528vpon William Holliday Cler ------------------------------------ 5-0-0
vpon Gregory Chinery ------------------------------------------- 5-0-0
vpon John Kingwell et alij -------------------------------------- 10-0-0
vpon Walter Bettridg et ------------------------------------------ 20-0-0
So his losses are some totall ------------------349-0-0
Jo Owgan
Jur Coram Nobis
27o Maij 1642
Tho: Bettesworth
Phil: Bisse