Deposition of John Pue

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:14 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-06-02
Identifier: 811166r121


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

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John Pue of Newragh in the Countie of Wickloe Esquire being dulie sworne and examined saith, That on the xvjth daie of November last this examinant Deponent being then in his house in Newragh aforesaid, there came thither vnto him, Walter Boy <A> Birne of Garygolan in the Countie of Wickloe gent: accompanied with Teig mc Murrogh Byrne of Coolevany in thes said Countie gent Dowlin mc Caher Byrne of Tobborbiller gent: Edmond mc Arte Byrne of Munduffe gent: Tirlagh mc Gerrald Byrne of BallymcIcarragh, Dowlin mc Shane Byrne of Bolenleagh in the said Countie gent: and three or foure more whose names hee doth not now remember, And this deponent haveing heard that Luke Toole Luke Birne, Cahir mc ffelin Byrne with divers others had raised Armes against his Maiestie and robbed some of the English in the Ranelagh, enquired of the forenamed persons whether the said Luke Toole and the rest aforesaid had soe donn, whoe annswered that it was soe, and that they (meaning the said Luke Toole and the rest) sent word vnto <B> all the gent: in the Barony of Newcastle, that if they would not g{oe} out with them, and doe as they did, they would cutt of their heades in regard that they had the Kings Commission so to doe, And immediatly the foresaid Edmond mc Art Bryne of Monduffe tooke this deponen{t} aside and tould him that there was noe staieing for him there vnles hee would goe to Mass, and doe as they did; Wherevppon this depon{ent} immediatelie & after theire departure feareing to staie in his owne house tooke horse and roade to Clonmaning to Mr Edward Wals{hs} house; being aboute two miles of this side his owne house, and staied there that night, and the next morneing sett forwardes towardes Dublin by the Sea side accompanied with foure of the said Mr Walsh his sonns and two of his men and one Mr James Byrne a Masse Preist whom hee sent with this deponent parte on his way; And before this deponent had ridd foure miles one Edmond Byrne late of <C> the Downe in the Countie of Wickloe then called Captaine, Cahir mc Arte Byrne of Ballyronan called his Leifetennant, with aboute a hundred more of the poore plowemen and labouring men of those partes haveing noe Armes, but Clubbs, Pitchforkes, stav{es} and Dungforkes, saveing one Pike and a Pistoll which the said Edmon{d} Birn{e}

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Byrne had, and a fowling Peece which the said Cahir mc Arte had, And this deponent saith that hee vppon two Carrs then brought with him from his said house of Newragh to releive his Children here in Dublin, two or three Tubbs of butter, fforty quartes of hony, a quantitie of Cheese and some other provision, which were <A> couered with horse hydes tand, which the said Edmond Byrne caused to bee searched, to see if there were any Armes on the said Carrs, and finding none hee and his said companie roade two or three myles forward in the [ ] on this Deponentes waie, till they came neere to Rathdowne, and then one came vnto him and tould him that Mr Robert Kennedyes Carriages were goeing to Dublin, and that were there were store of muskettes and Pikes sent along with the carriage, Wherevppon hee the said Edmond Byrne presentlie rode away with great speed, and all his companie ran after him and then this deponent hasted away to Dublin; And this deponent further saith, That within three or foure daies after that this deponent came to Dublin, one Walter Ash this Examinantes servant whom he left behind him in his house to looke to his goodes did write to this deponent, that a day or two after this deponent left his house Teige oge Byrne of Ballenvalla <B> in the Countie of Wickloe gent: Dowlin mc Cahir Byrne of Tobberbiller gent and about 16 or 17 Rebelles vnder the commaund of the said Teige oge, came to Newragh to this deponentes said ffarme, and tooke away with him Seavenscore Cowes and sixe hundred English sheep{e} of this Examinantes Cattell; And this deponent doth depose that since the xvjth of November they aforesaid Teige oge Byrne, Walter Boy Byrne James mc Cahir Byrne Teige mc Marrogh Byrne and other Rebelles in the Countie of Wickloe with their complices, hath <C> Robbed, stripped, and disployed dispoyled this deponent of his goodes and Chattelles to the values hereafter mentioned, vizt of Cowes and Oxen great and smale, Bulles and other young Cattle worth ffoure hundred and Eighteene poundes Tenn shillings, of horses geldings, Mares and Coltes worth ffower score and Twelue poundes of English sheepe, Rams, lambs, and Irish sheepe worth Two hundred and Three poundes eight shillings and sixe pence, of Goates worth sixe poundes and ffoure shillings, of Hoggs and other swyne worth xj li.

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xj li. xvj s. of Corne in my Haggart worth Two hundred and ffiftie poundes, of Corne thrashed and malte in the house readie made worth Thirtie poundes one shilling, of Corne in ground worth one hundred and ffiftie poundes of Hay worth Tenn poundes, of Poultrie worth ffortie shillings, of Bees worth six poundes, of Brasse Pewter, Linnen, Woollen, bedding and other household stuffe, Tymber provided for building, Plough harnesses, waynes, Cartes Carrs, Charlecoale smithcoale, and other necessaries belonging to the house and to husbandrie Iron, and other goodes which this deponent had at his ffarme of Newragh aforesaid (a Note of the particulers hee hath ready to shew) worth one hundred and eighteene poundes Ten shillings, A Kill of breekes burnt containeing Thirtie Thousand breekes cost me six shillings each thousand which amountes to Nine poundes one hundred of Dale boardes worth six poundes Tenn shillings, And this Deponent further deposeth That the Tythes of the Rectories of the Inch and Killgorman in the Counties of Waxford and Wickloe were sett the harvest1641 vnto seuerall persons in those Counties (whoe are all in Rebellion as this Deponent verily beleiveth) for ffortie ffive poundes at the least of which this Deponent never received one pennye, nor never is like to doe, And this Deponent saith, that it Cost him in building at Newragh, and improvement of his Land there, which is defaced and ruined by the Rebelles, aboue ffower hundred poundes; And saith that hee would not take before this Rebellion for his Interest of his ffarmes in the Countie of Wickloe ffive hundred poundes which ffarmes is are not not worth the Rent reserved on this Deponent; And he further saith that hee paied Twentie seaven poundes to Dowlin mc Cahir Byrne for a ffine for the ffarme of Tynekilly into which ffarme the said Dowlin hath since this Rebellion entred and possessed himselfe thereof; And this deponent further saith that there was oweing vnto him vpon seuerall persons of the Countie of Wickloe for halfe a yeares Rent ending at Michaelmas last aboue ffortie poundes some of whome are in Rebellion, vizt Owen Bulgie and <A> Nicholas Byrne of Borkin, Murrogh mc Teige Ower and Teige mc William mc Ower of Ranowe And the rest being English and Robbed by the Rebelles are disabled to pay him And this Deponent further deposeth that there is the some of two

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two hundred poundes Twentie Nyne poundes Nyneteene shillings and eight pence due by specialtie and otherwise vpon seuerall persons in the Countie of Wickloe and els where, whoe are all in Rebellion as hee verily beleiveth, a note of the particulers togeather with the specialties themselves, this Deponent is ready to shew shew And sayth that the losses which this Deponent hath suffered as aforesaid, by the Rebelles aforesaid, and by the meanes of the Rebellion aforesaid amounteth in all to the summe of one Thousand six hundred ffower score and Nyne poundes eightteene shillinges and Two pence sterling at the least
Jo: Pue
Jur 2o Junij 1642
Hen: Brereton
Will: Hitchcocke

Deponent Fullname: John Pue
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Wicklow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Walter Ash, James Byrne, Edward Walsh, Walter Boy Birne, Teig mc Murrogh Byrne, Dowlin mc Caher Byrne, Edmond mc Arte Byrne, Tirlagh mc Gerrald Byrne, Dowlin mc Shane Byrne, Luke Toole, Luke Birne, Cahir mc ffelin Byrne, Edmond Byrne, Cahir mc Arte Byrne, Teige oge Byrne, Dowlin mc Cahir Byrne, James mc Cahir Byrne, Owen Bulgie, Nicholas Byrne, Murrogh mc Teige Ower, Teige mc William mc Ower, Robert Kennedy
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Witness, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim