Examination of Walter Fitzgerald
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fol. 223r
The Examinacion of Walter ffitsgerald of late of fformoyle in the Calloe in the County of Longford gentleman taken before Colonell Thomas Herbert and Thomas Richardson Esquire members of the high Court of Justice sitting at Dublin by order of the same Court the 26th day of Aprill 1653.
The said Examinant being demanded where hee was at the tyme of the murther of Daniell Stibbs, william Steele and others at a windmill neere fformoyle aforesaid in the first yeare of the rebellion sayth that hee was then at ffortiunce in the said County at the house <A> of Oliver ffitsgerald Esquire his Kinsman And being demanded who they were that committed the said murther hee sayth that by the report of the Countrey one Phillip fferrall deceased, Garatt fferrall late of Cou the said County, now gone for Spaine, James mc Loghlin now living at Coleamber in the said County and others whose names hee doth not remember were actors in the said murther and that the said Phillip fferrall did then beare the name of leivetenant to Captaine ffergus fferrall sonne to Lisagh mc Gillernew fferrall now prisoner in the Marshalsey which ffergus is gone for Spaine as the Examinant hath also heard, And denieth that hee this Examinant had any hand in the said murther or any other murther or that hee ever heard that any of the said Oliver ffitsgeralds men had any hand at in it or that the said Oliver or lisagh mc Gillernew had any command in it or hand in it And being demanded when hee came to live at ffarmoyle aforesaid sayth that it was about a yeare after the said murther, the occasion of his comming to lyve
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live there was that hee marrried an a wife and then tooke a ffarme there vppon which ffarme the windmill stands where the said Stibbs and Steele were hanged And being demanded whether John mcConnor fferrall had any hand in the said murther hee sayth that hee verilye beleiveth hee had not And further sayth not any thing materiall but that hee hath bin formerly examined by Capt Stoppard Gouernor of the Island of Callowe and Ballyleague in the said County of Longford with whom his Examinacion remains to the best of his Knowledge
Walter fitzgerrald
Taken before vs
Tho Herbert Tho: Richardson
fol. 224r
fol. 224v
Walter ffitsgerald his
Examinacion touching the
Murther at Callow