Examination of James McGarald Ferrall

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=817244r184] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:23 PM

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Date: 1653-10-24
Identifier: 817244r184


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Longford & Westmeath
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Killing
Commissioners: Richard Tigh, Thomas Richardson
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 244r

The further examinacion of James Mc Garald ffarrell of Coolvore in the Countie of Longford gent taken before Richard Tighe & Tho. Richardson Esquires the xxiiijth of October 1653 Whoe being sworne & examined deposeth & saith examined saith
That Whoe being demanded whether the Castle fforbes was beseeged before the Castle of Longford or after, & who were the beseegers he answereth that it was beseeged afterwards And that those that beseeged the said Castle fforbes were Rorie mc Garald ffarrell of Moate (or from thence descended) <A> Morrogh Mc Edmund ffarrell of the Ryne Conogh Mc Rosse ffarrell of the Mote & Lisagh mc Connell ffarrell of Mostrath, who were all Captains & those vnder their comand & being demanded whether he the [ ] Examinant was at the said seige & had any command there he confesseth that he was somtymes at the said seige with Captain ffrancis ffarrell of the Mote, but had noe comand there And at the rendition of the said Castle of fforbes he this examinant was comanded by Sir James Dillon & ffrancis ffarrell of the Mote (at the desire of Sir John Seaton) to convoy him & the rest of that Castle to Trim which was truly performed accordingly: And being demanded whether he knew one James Camell at the said seige of Castle forbes & what became of him he says he knew him not, but heard that such a man was taken in the mountaines & hanged before Castleforbes by the command of some of the before named Captaines but denyes that he had any hand therein, [ ] & averrs that hee was then sick at his owne howse which was about seven or eight myles from that Castle: And being demanded whether he knows any more other James mc Garald ffarrell of Coolvore or <B> Kilvore but himself, he answereth that he knoweth none els. And further sayth not,
James ffarrall
Taken before us the day & yere above written
Rd: Tighe: Tho: Richardson
3 The

fol. 244v

The Examinant James mc Garald ffarrell being further demanded whoe were the parties names that they were in Caste forbes & were from thence convoyed towards Trim he answereth that their names were Sir John Seaton before named & his Ladie, the Lady fforbes the wife of Raph Griffin & an ancient Scotchman whose name he Remembreth not. but the rest of the names he cannot remember
James ffarrall
Taken before vs

Tho: Richardson
Rd: Tighe

fol. 245r


fol. 245v


The examjnacion of
James mc Garrrall

Deponent Fullname: James Mc Garald ffarrell
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Longford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Rorie mc Garald ffarrell, Morrogh Mc Edmund ffarrell, Conogh Mc Rosse ffarrell, Lisagh mc Connell ffarrell, James Dillon, John Seaton, James mc Garald ffarrell, James Camell
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Victim