Deposition of James Finch
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:23 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 58r
Captaine James ffinch late of BallymcKeoman in the parish of [ Hug ]herne in the Barrony of Ki llnytalloon e in the County of Cork Esquire a (Brittish Protestant) being duely sworne & Examined vpon his oath by vertue of his Maiesties Commission beareinge date &c deposeth & saith that since Christmas last & since the beginninge of this present Rebellion in Ireland he hath bine robbed & forcibly dispoiled of his goods Chattells and Rents to the seuerall vallues followeinge vizt value of 815 li. sterling
[ ] this deponent saith that he lost in horses Mares & Colts to the vallue of 20 li. sterling
He further saith he lost a [ ] in sheepe vallued at [15] li. sterling
He further saith that in sto o k of Cattell Cowes he hath lost to the vallue of 10 li. sterling th e rest of his stoo ke beinge [worth 100 li.] he was force d to bringe [lands to his ] beinge [ ]
He further saith that in Carts, wheeles & other Implements for husbandry he hath lost to the vallue of 5 li. sterling
He further saith that he hath lost in houshold stuffe & linnen to the vallue of 5 li. sterling
He this deponent further saith that his wife & f family whilst he was in his Mai es t ies service was forced to leave his howse & ffarme where he & th e y left in howse barne & Haggard to the vallue of 150 li. sterling of Corne (of which said Corne) he ne ver since for the Releife of himselfe his said wife & ffamily could possesse himselfe of aboue 20 li. worth conceiveinge the rest lost to his dammage of 130 li. sterling.
He further saith that for the Corne in the ground that he left at Ballymckeoman being about 70 Acres vallued at 140 li. sterling All which this deponent likewise conceiveth lost
He this deponent further saith that by meanes of this Rebellion his said wife & f family as abouesaid being forced to leave his said howse & ffarme BallymcKeoman which Cost him 300 li. sterling And since by way of Improuement 200 li. sterling which he hath
fol. 58v
1568hath not en i oyed aboue five yeares the said lands Communibus Annis being worth 25 li. more then the Rent this deponent paies haveinge thirty odd yeares yet to come in the same his losse therein vallued to be 500 li. sterling at the least
This deponent further saith that some Tennants he had on those Lands namely Walter Norrice John Edward s & others who are ju stly Indebted vnto him in 20 li. sterling for Rents who being dise nabled Protestants he conceiueth to be lost And further this deponent deposeth not
The Totall of this deponents losses amounts vnto 814 li. sterling
The deponent sayth that he was robd aboute the time aboue mencioned by the means of the Cundons of <B> BallyMcPatrick vizt Rich: and John in County of Corke, as he is credibly informed. and further he cannot depose.
Ja: ffinch
Jurat coram nobis
17 June: 1642
Tho: Badnadge
Phil: Bisse
fol. 59r
fol. 59v
The examination of
Captaine James