Examination of Garratt Caron

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=817262r194a] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:54 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-02-26
Identifier: 817262r194a


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Longford & Westmeath
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Thomas Herbert, Thomas Richardson
Deposition Transcription:

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(directly following the examination of Jean Thompson on the same page)

Garratt Caron Carhon servant to mr Philpott living in Patrickstreet dublin Merchant Aged thirty six yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne and examined Saith

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Saith that hee the said Examinant was servant to mr Batholomew Nangle of longford Merchant at the tyme of the beseiging of the Caste by the Irish there, in the yeare 1641, where hee saw Conocke mcRosse fferrall as Comander in cheife of the <B> said Irish fforces, and one ffaghny mcffergys fferrall, John Kernan, Richard mcConnell fferrall of Clonbelt, Rowry fferrall mc Gerrald, and Lisagh mcGerald fferrall, Hugh mc Murrogh fferrall of Kilmore, ffergus mcEdmond fferrall, and lisagh mc Connell fferrall, Teig mcShane, and James <hand> mc Shane fferrall, and othe Roger Nangle, levallin Nugent of the Barony of Granard, and divers others of the said Irish party whose names hee doth not now remember And being demanded whether hee sawe ffaghny mc Lisagh fferrall of D en s towne Esquire or James mc Gerald fferrall of Cullivore there, during the tyme of the said seig, th saith, that to his best remembrance hee did not see either of them there, And further sayth that vppon about the same tyme that the English were comming out of the Castle vppon Articles, this Examinants ma said Master see hearing the Irish were taking away from the English what little goods they brought out of the Castle with them, hee the said mr Nangle this Examinants said Master, went out hastily to the greene neere the Castle, where this Examinant hearing the Cry grow greater and fearing his said master might take some harme amongst them, made hast after his said Master, and found him and the said Roger Nangle busy very busy in rescueing the goods of the English from the Irish and getting them restitucion,

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vntill presently after the Examinants comming thither, one <C> Heslenan, one of the said Irish Rebells, having a sword and a kind of halberd with him threatned the said Roger Nangle and Bartholomew Nangle in this Examinants hearing telling the said Barthol o mew them in Irish they were was but an old English, and as bad as the rest, and if hee did not leave the place presently hee wold be his death, or words to to that effect & told Roger Nangle hee wold not be commanded by him at all for that hee was not vnder his command whereuppon the said Bartholomew Nangle and this Examinant being in feare returned home to his the said Bartholomew his owne house, where presently after hee heard some were pursueing mr Thomas Allin to kill him, who fled for his safety into the River, which the said Bartholomew Nangle hearing run out of his house, in and brought the said Allin into his house, and was himselfe in danger to be run thorow with a pike before hee cold gett the said Mr Allen into his house, where within lesse than a quarter of hower a Rable after, a great Rabble of Irish besett the house, and gott fire to burne it downe, vnlesse the said Allen were deliuered out, and notwithstanding many intreatyes vsed by the said Bartholomew Nangle th to the contrary the said mr Allen was forcibly taken out of the said house, and putt into the <D> Common goale by one Connell Cam fferrall, who was called Marshall, and many others, and there kept two nights, and the morneing following brought out

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by the said Connell Cam and a rude Rabble of Rebells and led towards the Common galowes to be hanged, with this <E> Examinants said Master seeing went to the said Connell Cam fferrall and told him hee had done mischeife enough already, and begged of him to forbeare executing or doeing any f harme to the said Mr Allen, vntill hee the said Mr Nangle had bin with his Comanders in cheife to see of hee cold gett his life spared, but the said Connell Cam fferrall made answeare that hee wold hang Allin in despight of him the said Nangle and all the Comanders in towne, and with great difficulty this Examinants said master obteined leave from the said Connell soe long as till the said Mr Allens wife came out of his the said mr Nangles house where shee then was to see and salute her poore husband in that sad condicion, which assoone as shee had done (this Examinant himselfe leading her by the hand shee being not able to goe of herselfe, by reason of greife and <ff> a wound shee had received in her backe) the said Connell Cam fferrall and his rude multitude hurried away the said Mr Thomas Allen to the publicque place formerly for Execucion of ffelons, and there hanged him till hee was dead, And afterwards the said Mrs Allen together with Mrs Baker and some of Mrs Smithes children (whose husband and father were murthered by the Irish) all stayed

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stayed in the said mr Nag Nangles house where they were all kindly entertained for by this Examinants said master for a fortnight after or thereabouts to the Examinants best remembrance, his cause of Knowledge is that hee this Examinant was present and saw and observed all that hee hath deposed And further hee sayth not.
Garett Caron
deposed the 26:th
day of ffebr 1652
before vs

Tho. Herbert.
Tho: Richardson.

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20: 2d:
The further Examinacion of
Bartholomew Nangle
The Examinacion of Jane ffrizell
Garrett Curon
concerninge the Murther
of Longford

lisagh mc Connell fferrall
Richard mcConnell fferrall
Hugh mcMurrogh (fferrall)
ffergus mcEdmond fferrall
Jon mc Kernan
Connell Cam fferrall
James mcShane fferrall
and others.


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20 November 1641 Lavall{in}

Deponent Fullname: Garratt Caron
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Servant
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: * Philpott, * Allen, * Baker, * Smith, Conocke mcRosse fferrall, ffaghny mcffergys fferrall, John Kernan, Richard mcConnell fferrall, Rowry fferrall mc Gerrald, Lisagh mcGerald fferrall, Hugh mc Murrogh fferrall, ffergus mcEdmond fferrall, lisagh mc Connell fferrall, Teig mcShane, James mc Shane fferrall, levallin Nugent, ffaghny mc Lisagh fferrall, James mc Gerald fferrall, * Heslenan, Connell Cam fferrall, Roger Nangle, Bartholomew Nangle
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim