Examination of Hugh mcRichard fferrall
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fol. 273r
The farther Examinacion of Hugh mcRichard fferrall prisoner in the Marshalsey Dublin taken the first of June 1654 by order of the high Court of Justice then sitting at dublin.
The said Examinant being farther Examined sayth that for sixteene yeares together last before the late Rebellion of the Irish hee this Examinant was an Inhabitant in the County of wickloe, and tennant to Patricke Hill on the lord Ranelagh his lands of Glandelagh, but that about June last before the said Rebellion hee remooved with his family and goods into the County of longford, and lived vppon a Cartron of land called Killnemedagh being his owne Inheritance, where (hee sayth) at the very begining <A> of the said Rebellion hee was plundered in the night tyme by one William Clannymullully alias ffleod, Richard boy ffag ffarrall, James mcShane fferralls, (and other Irish Rebels in their company) of ten pounds in money, and of linnen and woollen yarne and Clock Cloath t and other portable goods to the value of ten pounds more or vpwards, And further sayth that thereuppon hee made seuerall applicacions to Connocke mc Rosse fferrall (then Comander in Cheife in those parts) to seeke remedy against the said ffludd and the rest, and at last gott a day appointed for their meeting before the said Conocke mc Rosse, at longford, which day fell out to be the same day the
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English were to march out out of the Castle vppon quarter, on which day hee sayth hee came thither with his witnesses, but the said ffleod did not <B> appeare, And further sayth that vppon the marching forth of the said English one out of the said Castle one Henry Seares wife (an Inhabitant of the said towne of longford) came and complained to the said Connocke mc Rosse that shee being vppon the work saw some of the Captaines that were then gone into the Castle distributing some of the goods in the Castle to their private soldiers, and cry out cryed out that all the goods wold be embezelled and lost if hee did not giue order to prese prevent it, whereuppon the said Connocke mc Rosse fferrall comanded this Examinant to repaire to the into the Castle, and to take care of the Townesmens goods that they shold not be embeazelled, which this Examinant (though vnwilling) durst not refuse to obey, but went accordingly, And found then in the Castle Captaine Roger Nangle, since killed in the North, ffaghny mcffergus fferrall <C> another Capt, since gone for Spaine, Capt Rory mcGerald fferrall, whom hee beleives to be since also gone for Spaine, Capt Murrogh mcEdmond fferrall, since also gone for Spaine, and others whom hee hath heard are all since either killed or gone for Spaine, And further sayth that hee never was in Armes for or with the Irish, nor ever in longford during the seig vppon any other
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accompt or occasion then before hee hath expressed, and somtymes to gett restitucion of his goods which were seuerall tymes (during the said Seig) destrained and carryed to longford, (by some of the said Irish party) for Contribucion, And the Examinant being demanded whether hee knew of any person or persons now living in Ireland that were of the Irish party in the said seige, or massacre at longford, hee sayth hee doth not knowe any, and further sayth that though hee saw many hundred there in the seige tyme, yett hee knew few of them, by reason of his sixteene years absence as aforesaid, And being demanded whether in particuler hee did ever see Bartholomew Nangle, James mc Gerald fferrall, or ffaghny mc lisagh fferral, in Arms in longford during the said seig, or on the same day the English were murthered there, hee sayth hee saw Bartholomew Nangle and James mcGerald in the Towne of longford the same day the said murther was committed, but did not see them nor either of them having any Armes to the best of his remembrance, nor ever saw the said ffaghny mc lisagh in the towne while hee himselfe was there, during the said seig, And further sayth not.
Hugh fferrall
Taken the day and yeare
first aboue written
before mee
Tho: Richardson
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Hugh mc Richard
fferrall his further
Examinacion touching the
seig & Massacre at