Proof against James Farrell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:49 PM
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fol. 315r
Proofes againt James ffarrell of Kilvowre Captain in the old booke of the county of Longford delivered into Cork howse:
That the said James ffarrell layd seige to Castle= Robert Colden Clerk
=forbes & hee & his company mett with one James dept. 18
Cambell as he was sent on a Message from
<A> the Castle aforesaid towards Kilagh & hanged
him vpp then takeing him downe carried him
to & before the Castle & there laid him with a paper
vpon his brest. Whereon were written theis
words Here is your Messinger that yow sent on your
busines. yow may now see how he is served, and
if yow send any more Messingers they shalbe served
Elizabeth steward says shee hath heard read the Elizabeth Steward d: 13
deposition of Robert Colden concerning the murthers
cruelties & outrages therein expressed. And that
his expressions of them are in all things true
<B> to her knowledge And that after quarter given to the
protestants in the Castle of Longford the Rebells
murthered eight of them
James Clarke says concerning the murthers done James Clark d: 16
by the Rebells, & the sufferings of the good subjects
in all things as Robert Colden Clarke the same
day with him hath deposed
That James ffarrell was one whoe beseeged the Isaak keene D: 2
Castle of Longford, And that all which were in that Castle Christopher & Tho:
<C> that were men, & stood in defence of it were keene his sonns D 2
slaine when the Castle was taken, except one Man Eliz: Trafford d 25
& the deponents themselues ther who escaped killing Isabell Allen 26
by flight
That after quarter given to the beseeged at Longford Tho: Ruth Martin 24
<D> Trafford ffrancis Martin Mathew Baker John Smith Isabell Allen 27
John Evans Abraham a Mason & others with a child
of the Examinants were murthered And mr Tho: Allen alsoe
tortured & murthered, all done in the Examinants presence
fol. 315v
fol. 316r
fol. 316v
Abstract out of the old
Bookes against James ffarrell