Deposition of John Torkington
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:36 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 82r
John Torkington late of Hackettstowne in the County of Catherlogh Cooper duly sworne deposeth That since the begining of this present rebellion in Ireland & by meanes of the same hee hath lost & beene robbed dispoiled or otherwise deprived of his goodes chattles debts or otherwise to the values following vizt of cattle Timber for his trade & other ware fitt for sale worth two and twentie poundes, of houshould goodes & houshould provision & implementes for his trade worth five pounds of garden fruites worth worth tenn pounds or thereabouts of the lease of one house in Hacketstowne aforesaid & of an acre of ground there which the deponent had improved to his great charge worth five pounds and vpwardes Soe that the totall of his loss And hee further saith that severall persons in this Kingdome of Ireland were at the begining of this rebellion & yett are indebted vnto him in severall sommes of money amounting to five poundes which hee never expecteth to receive in regard the said persons are vtterly dispoiled in their estates by the rebells, Soe that the totall of his Losses amount vnto 47 li. ster by the rebells in that County. But by which of them the said rebells hee was soe dispoyled hee cannot certenily relate onely hee h in regard hee was forced to fly towardes Dublin for safeguard of his Life being threatned onely hee heard death
John Torkinton
{Dep}osed March 28th 1642
{Wi}lliam Hitchcocke
{J}ohn Sterne
fol. 82v
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Martij 1642
[ ] pro Cert