Deposition of Raph Bulkley

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:36 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1644-01-08
Identifier: 812084r105


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Carlow & Killkenny
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 84r

Raph Bulkley of the towne of Catherlagh parrish Clark there sworne & examined sayth That since the begining of the present Rebellion That is to say in the begining monthe of November & December 1641 & since This deponent was forceibly deprived robbed and dispoyled of his meanes goodes and chattells of the value and to his losse of Twoe hundred thirty one powndes ster and the rest of the protestantes thereaboutes were alsoe robbed of their meanes at that time By the irish papist Rebells vizt Robert Iverson of Cloghnagh in the same County gent a Captain of Rebells since slayne in Rebellion Robert Harpoole of Shrowle in the Queens County Esquire another Captain of Rebells Thomas Davyls of Ballyhide in the Queens County Esquire and Edmund Wall of Roughland Esquire Edward Wall of Ballenakill in the County of Catherlagh Esquire another Comander of Rebells Walter Bagnall of Dunlecknie in the said County of Catherlagh Esquire a g <A> cheefe Comander of Rebells (whoe haveing at the first procured to himselfe vpon his promisse of loyalty and to doe his Maiesty service) Armes from the store at Dublin) most perfidiously and treacherously turnd Rebell and vsed and Converted those Armes against his Maiesty and his lojall protestante subjects Murtogh oge of Castletowne in the County of Catherlagh Esquire another Captain of irish papist Rebells James Butler of Tully Esquire Garrett Birne of Busholdstowne in the County of Catherlagh Esquire And generally by all others the gentry and Comonalty of irish papistes within the whole County of Catherlagh But for soe many of them as he can now call to mynd and name They are theis vizt Richard Slabor yeoman Redmond รด Nowlin Cottener Morrogh Mc James Carpenter William Chamberlaine Edward <B> Mc Tho: Broagmaker James Knowles sonn and heir of James Knowles dec late Rector of the impropriat parrish Church of Catherlagh Luke Many merchant Henry Brasill merchant Andrew Neill merchante James Murphy merchant Henry Murphy merchant John Mc Morris merchant John Wysegrey merchante

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Humfrey Wife merchant William Pursell Shoomaker Richard More < C> victualer Garrett Mc Teige victualer Donnogh mc Murrogh Butcher Henry Browne victualer Richard Browne victualer John Motley victualer, Edmund mc Murrogh Butcher Robert Knowles victualer Lawrence Knowles merchant all of the towne of Catherlagh and lawrence Knowles of Kelstowne in the County of Catherlagh farmer and 2 or 3 of his sonns
<+> And this deponent and many of the English for saffgard of their lives fled to the Castle of Catherlaghe to the number of 600 men women and children: Many very poore and had nothing left to eate when they came thither And further saith That such was the providence and mercy of god to them in the said Castle to save them from the Rebells That a great flowd fell into the River at Catherlagh aforesaid about the begining of December 1641 & contynued vntill after Candlemas following in such a height that he neuer sawe the like there (where in ded he hath dwelt xviij yeres) Insoemuch tha{t} none could approach the Castle but vpon a narrow Cawsey <x> or pavement which they English might without great difficulty defend: [Howent] the Rebells before named and divers others of the Cuntry in Christmas on saint Johns day of Christmas 1641 whilest the flowd was high came with cotts secretle into the towne of Catherlagh aforesaid and surprised and tooke it and the irish of the towne Joined and consented <x> with them and sett and kept seuerall Courts du guard & hemmed in all those of the Castle that they could not sturr out soe much as to fetch a paille of water but were slaine And afterwardes vizt who a little before Candlemas (the flowd still contynuing) those Rebells secretly in the night tyme, with Cotts, and on horsback approached vnto and sumoned the Castle, & layd seige therevnto and also to the Church and with pickaxes and sledges brak downe part of the Church wall, but were repulsed, and many slaine of the rebells; [ ] but those that w of the English that
20 [ ]

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were found out of the Castle those of the Rebells most barbarously murthered some of them being children that were slaine (with theire poore mothers) hanging vpon their brests and some very old people that could scarcely see, And those Rebells (to their great losse of men) contynued their seige vntill the morning following but were much annoyed and hindered by the water Insoemuch That when they were quite repelled & forced to leaue the seige many of them were put to deepe wading & swyming & many some in the Cotts slaine wherein that flowd and the narrownes of the pavement afforded to the beseiged protestantes noe little advantage: By which repulse those Rebells were as he conceaveth soe deterred that afterwardes they did not attempt to beseige either the Castle or Church but setlying in the towne kept the protestantes in the Castle vntill his Maiesties Army did about Easter then following martch thither & then all that were willing to depart went away with that Army
<Dr J HB>
Raphe Buckley
Jur viijo Jan 1643
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
[ ]

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Catherlagh 0
Raph Bulkley Jur
viij Jan: 1643 Cf
in Nov: & dec



Deponent Fullname: Raph Bulkley
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Parish clark
Deponent County of Residence: Carlow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Robert Iverson, Robert Harpoole, Thomas Davyls, Edmund Wall, Edward Wall, Walter Bagnall, Murtogh oge *, James Butler, Garrett [Birren], Richard Slabor, Redmond , Morrogh Mc James, William Chamberlaine, Edward Mc Tho, James Knowles, Luke Many, Henry Brasill, Andrew Neill, James Murphy, Henry Murphy, John Mc Morris, John Wysegrey, Humfrey Wife, William Pursell, Richard More, Garrett Mc Teige, Donnogh mc Murrogh, Henry Browne, Richard Browne, John Motley, Edmund mc Murrogh, Robert Knowles, lawrence Knowles, James Knowles
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned