Deposition of Jasper Horsey
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:44 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
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Jasper Horsey late of Ballyshordane in the parish of Temple=[ ]gy barony of Clangibbon and within the County of Corke gentleman (a brittish protestant) duely examined and sworne before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission vnder the broade seale of t his Kingdom (beareing date &c) concerneing the lossess robberies & spoiles since this rebellion comitted vpon the Brittish & protestants within the Province of Munster &c deposeth and saith. That vpon the first of January Anno domini 1641 or therabouts the deponent lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods & Chattles to the seuerall values followeing vzt value of 346 li.-16 s. part consisting Of cowes oxen heiffers yeerlinges horses and swine to the value of one hundred foure score and six pounds sixteene shillings. Of houshould stuffe and lynnen to the value of ten pounds. Of hay & corne in stacke to the value of forty pounds. He alsoe saith that he was expelled & driuen away from his said farme and house where he left in corne in ground woorth three score pounds. The deponent saith, that by meanes of this present rebellion he was dispossessed of the lands of Ballyshordane aforesaid wherin he hath one lease in being for one & Twen ty yeeres and another lease in reuersion for one & Twenty yeeres more in which lease he conceaues himselfe damnified by looseing the benefitt of the same fiftie pounds. Of debts amounting to six pounds due from Thomas o Mollowny of Martelstowne in the said County gentleman nowe in open and actuall rebellion therefore this deponent is not likly to get any satisfaction from them. The totall of his losses amounts to three hundred forty six pounds sixteene shillings The deponent being further examined deposeth. That aboute the 9th day of Aprill last, this deponent accompanyed with Walter Harte and Robert Mitchell English protestants & both warders of Ould=Castletowne in the said County, went to Dunerayle in the said County to prouide some powder for the defence of the said Castle haueing stayed there that night, but nexte day the 10th of Aprill aforesaid this deponent & thother Two comeing back to Ouldcastle Towne aforsaid were assaulted and sett vpon in the high way by John Roch of Ballinemony in the said County gentleman haueing then in company with him fiue horse=men & Twenty armed foote=men, who apprehended this deponent and the rest & caused them to be dissarmed and
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<B> stripped of their cloathes calling this deponent an English Traytor & likewise the said John Roch then & there tooke from this deponent besides apparell a peece a swoord fiue shillings in mony & one gould ringe price thirteene shillings; The said John Roch Imediatly caused the said Walter Herte to be hanged, but in the meane time proferred him his life if he did turne papist, & to that purpose brought to him a masse priest to perswade him therevnto, but the said Harte vtterly denyeing to turne was presently executed.
This examinat further deposeth. That the same night being the tenth of Aprill as aforesaid he and the said Robert Mitchell were carryed to Castletowne (the lord Roches house) where he this deponent continued prisoner for ten weeckes dureing which time this examinat obserued these particulars followeing vzt ffirst he sawe aboute the 15th or 16th of Aprill aforesaid Two of the lord of Inschiquins troopers (one was a Scotchman & thother an Irish man both protestants) with their horses & armes taken prisoners by some of the said lord Roches forces & brought to Castletowne aforesaid, where (though the scotchman was [ ]adly wounded & shot through the back) both were without any mercy hanged. secondly this deponent likewise obserued & sawe one Donogh mc Teige an Irish protestant & a man of three score yeeres of adge & vpwards (whoe was sometimes servant to William Jephson of Malloe Esquire) aboute the begininge of May last as he went in the highway to youghall to be assaulted and taken by some of the said lord Roches <C> company whoe brought him to Castletowne aforesaid, where he remained prisoner a longe time till he was halfe starued being allowed but a smale morsell of breade euery foure & Twenty houres, and day by day the priests & fryers in the said house (to this deponents knowledge being then in number fifteene at least in the said house) did vse to come to the said Donogh mac Teige perswading him to turne papist at last when they could not drawe him, they gaue him his choise either to turne papist & saue his life or else, that there was noe remedy but he must be hanged, he tould them plainly he was perswaded
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in his Conscience he was of a goode & sound profession <D> & that he would neuer turne papist while he liued, being at last carryed to the place of execution one father Roch & 4 other friers and priests went along with him at last he tould them openly they may goe to the deuill if they would for his parte he would neuer be perswaded by them & begged heartily they should trouble him noe more & soe heartily prayeing vpon the ladder he was at last executed the deponents cause of knowledge is that being a prisoner there himselfe he sawe and obserued the said passadges and haueing his libertie vpp & downe he came to the certaine knowledge of the premisses.
<E> Dureing this deponents restrainte at Castletowne aforesaid he saith. That he obserued aboute the later end of Aprill last one Elizabeth a maide servant to Steven T[ ] of Mitchelstowne in the said County merchant in the way comeing from Corke was apprehended by the said lord Roches forces & brought her prisoner to Castle=Towne where she was adiudged to be hanged if she had would not turned papist which she vtterly refused to doe, but others then present thinking it a favour don to her comanded her to be tyed to a post & shot to death & haueing made shots at her & hitt either time, yeet not mortally wounded but at last she was in a tormenteing way hanged This examinat lastly deposeth and saith. That he being a long time prisoner & naked vpon the matter being stripped before, & lyeing vpon the ground with a litle straw vnder him, at last the deponent desired to speake in privat to [ ] the lord Roch that some course may be taken for his enlardgment, & being admitted to his lordshipps presence his lordshipp spoke these ensueing woords or others like them in effecte; I can shewe yow (quoth he) a Comission vnder the kinges hand & seale (which I receaued lately from Sir Phelemy o Neile) whereby we (meaneing the Irish) are authorized to stripp & benish all the English and protestants out of this kingdome
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If they doe not ioyne with vs, & doe as we doe for and adding further in a smileing maner, I will promisse yow (quoth he) the English shall eate noe more fatt beefe in this Kingdome or woords to that purpose. & further he deposeth not.
Jasper Horsey
Jurat coram nobis
16o Martij 1642
Phil: Bisse
Ric: Williamson
Jasper Horseyes deposition
C 613