Deposition of John Brookbanck
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:23 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 187r
A note of the losses of John Brookbanke Clerke Mr in Arts viccar of Callan and preacher of gods word by the Rebels
1 In readie money of my owne.......................................................100 li.
2 In stock money and plate assigned to my daughter
Jane for her preferment..................................................................100 li.
3 In houshold stuff and plate..........................................................100 li.
4 In corne and hay.........................................................................100 li.
5 In Bookes debts cattell and Apparrel..........................................100 li.
6 The los of my liuings of the value of .........................................220 li.
which I am not like to make benefit
of this 3 yeeres at the leaste 500 li. per annum
Jo: Brookbanke
Jur 7o Marcij 1641
Randall Adams:
William Aldrich
fol. 187v