Examination of Dermot O Murron re William Esmond
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=818208v179] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:36 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 208v
The Examinacion of Dermot O murron aged fourtye yeares or thereabouts taken on behalfe of the Comonwealth concerninge the aforesaid William Esmond
to the whole mater in the interrogatoryes this deponent sath that he well knoweth the said William whoe liued at Johnstowne in the first yeare of the warr then the Irish quarters and sath that the said William Esmond and his sonne Roberte Esmond and his sonne in lawe <a> John Lowis with others some of which were seruants to the said Esmond came armed with musquits and other intstrements of warr vnto the Castletowne the Dwellinge howse of mr Nickolas Cood (then fledd) about witsontyed followinge the first of the warr and that the said William then and there not findinge enterance admited but denyed to hime the said William by William brother to the said Nickolas John Codd Brother to the said Nickolas did Cause the people of the towne and other s with hime to take a great peece beame of tember <b> and soe by force made his the said William Esmonds Enterance in th to to the said howse and then displaced the then possessers and put other of his own partye in as a gaurd and broke vp the seuerall lockes on pretence to finde powther which gaurd Consumed and spoyled much of the said Codds prouission and stocke while they Continued there which was three months at least
Dermot [mark] O murron
<sworne & examend
before vs this 26th
of december 1653
Tho Hart
John walker
Mathew Stothard>