Deposition of John Davys
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:08 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 195r
<The said> John Davys of Castlecomer in the County of Kilkenny gent being duly sworne further deposath that since the begining of this present rebellion in Ireland and by meanes of the same hee hath lost and beene robbed and dispoiled or otherwise deprived of his goods chattles debts and otherwise to the values following vizt in the County of Kilkenny of leases goods and debts to the value of three hundred pounds
In the Countie of Kildare of goods leases and debts to the value of three hundred pounds. In the Countie of Cavan leases rents and debts to the value of on three hundred pounds
In the County of ffermanagh of free rents goods leases and debts to the value three hundred and fiftie pounds In all amounting to one thousand two hundred and fiftie pounds ster
And hee further saith That hee hath beene credibly informed the said robbery spoile and damage was comitted & done by these ensuing rebells vizt Thomas Evers of Adone in the said County of Kilkenny, Richard Butler, Thomas Butler Teige ô Brennan Daniell ô Brennan and Owen o Brennan all of the same place & County, Henry fitz Gerrald of Cluncuny in the County of Kildare, Peirs fitz Gerrald of the same, Mulmore mc Edmond o Rely, Phillip mc Mulmore o Rely, and Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane o Rely all of the County of Cavan, & many other rebells whose names hee could not learne
John Davis
Jurat April 2do 1642 coram nobis
Joh Watson
Hen: Brereton
William Hitchcocke
fol. 195v