Examination of Patricke Codd re Phillip Lamparte
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fol. 210r
The examinacion of Patricke Codd of whitehowse gent aged about fortie yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth concerning Phillip Lamparte of Ballehyre in the County of wexford gent
<To the 1st Interr> The examinant deposeth and saith that the said Phillip Lamparte did in the first yeare of the warre & ever sithence Liue in the Irish quarters at Ballehyre aforesaid, and did not remooue <o> thence into the english quarters, as many english and protestants as namely Nicholas Codd & Adam walter & others did the n
<To the 2d Interr> Hee cannot depose
<To the 3d Interr> The deponent saith that the said Phillip did the first yeare of the Rebellyon actually contribute to the raysing & maintain= <p> =ning of men and money for the Irish rebellyon against the english &
<To the 4th Interr> To the deponent saith that the said Lamparte was actually in armes against the english, the said first yeare & raysed, and had the Comand of a Company of foote wherewith he the said Lamparte marched in the Countrey and went against the forte of Duncannon, with others of the Irish rebells, which was then defended by the Ld Esmond in behalfe of the english Interest, this deponents cause of knowledge is for that the deponent hath Seen the said Lamparte <q> trayne and march in the head of his said Company at seauerall tymes the said first yeare of the rebellyon
<To the 5th Interr> The deponent saith & affirmeth that he hath seen & knowne the said Phillip Lamparte at Seauerall publique meeting{s} of the Irish in the Countrey in relacion to the furthering & aduancing the warre against the english, the said first yeare and sithence – his cause of knowledge apperes
<To the 6th Interr> Hee cannot depose
<To the 7th Interr> The deponent saith that he beleiueth the said Phillip Lamparte did take the oath of associacion as the people of the countrey generally did
<To the 8th Interr
9: 10: 11:> Hee doth not depose
<To the 12 Interr [ ] >
fol. 210v
<To the 12 and
13: Interr> Hee cannot depose and further sath not
Patrick Codd
Sworne before vs the
6th of January 1653
B Hussey
Edward Withey