Examination of William Stafford re Phillep Cheuers
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=818224r194] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:08 PM
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fol. 224r
The Examination of William Stafford of Temon Gentleman Aiged thirtye nine yeares or there about beinge dulye sworne and Examened by vertue of his oath vpon the seuerall Interrogatoryes in the Comission of <u> Inquire in the behalfe of the Commonweath Concerninge Phillep Cheuers of the Graing gentleman
<to the first interro:> he sath that the said Phillepe Cheeuers did Liue at the grainge aforesaid in the yeare 1641 and euer since, then the Irish Quarters that he the said Cheeuers might haue remoud <w> himeselfe into the English Quarters as many English did but not without danger for that some of the English as remoued themselues and shipd there Goods at Waxford for England or Dubline were plundered
<to the 2 interro:> he Can not depose
<to the 3 interro:> sath that the said Cheeuers did in the yeare 1641 and before the 10th of Nouember 1642 actually Contribute in the Publicke taxes of the <x> Countrye to raise men armes and other prouissions of warr accordinge to the warrant of the Countye Councell
<to the 4th interro:
and 5th interro> he Can not depose
fol. 224v
<to the 6th interro:> he Can not depose
<to the 7th interro:> he sath that he verlye beleiueth that the said Cheeuers did in the yeare 1641 take and subsist the oath of association his Cause of Knowledg <y> is because it was a generall thinge and Could not be avoyded it without exposing himselfe to plunder
<to the 8th 9th 10th
11th 12th and
13o interrogatoryes> he Can not depose
Wm Stafford
Sworne and examenedthe before vs this 26th
of december 1653
Tho Hart
John walker
mathew Stothard
fol. 225r
fol. 225v
Deposicions taken against
Phillipp Cheevers of
Grange gent