Examination of Richard Row re Patrick Cullun
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fol. 231r
Richard Row of Bridgetowne gent aged twenty fiue yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne & examined Concerning the foresaid Patr Cullun deposeth & saith that about fiue months <f> after wexford was reduced & Collonel Cooke settled as gouernor of the County of wexford, the deponent did see a warrant in the hand of John Keating the former deponent signed by the foresaid Patricke, for the raysing monyes for maintenance of some of the Irish or rebells partie then in Armes, the said Patr being at that time neyther constable collector or other officer, & hauing not the allowance of the said Collonel Cooke th in that behalfe, but for ought knowne to this deponent & that the said Cullun was in protecion of, & Contributary to the english forces as others of the Countrey then were The deponent further saith that the deponent Likewise did see an order signed by some of the rebells partie directed to one Nicholas Staples, & him the said Patricke requiring them the said Nicholas & Patr to rayse monyes for them, the & that the said staples denyed to act in pursuance thereof, being in conformity to the english gouerment but that the said p Patr issued warrants vnder his hand as aforesaid for leuying monyes in the barrony of Bargie where
fol. 232r
the deponent dwelt, to the vse aforesaid: his cause of knowledge apperes, & further for that the deponent did see the former deponent John Keating present & deliuer to the said Collonel Cooke the warrant signed by the foresaid Patr & further saith not &c
Rich: Row
Sworne before vs the
7th of ffebr 1653
Am Andrewes
Tho Hart