Examination of William Stafford re Andrew Scurlocke
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fol. 249r
18 The Examination of William Stafford Gentleman taken in behalfe of the Commonwealth con concearninge Andrew Scurlocke of great Codds towne in the Countye of Waxford Gentleman
<to the first interro:> Sath that the said Andrew did not to the best of this deponents Knowledge Liue in this Countye in the yeare 1641 and for some years after for that this deponent saw the said <k> Scurloke at Dubline [ ] the [ ] Cristmass 1643 which was in the first yeare of the Cescation
<to the 2 interro:> Sath that the said Andrew scurlocke did remoue himeselfe out of Dubline into the Countye of Waxford then the Irish Quarters where <l> he hath euer since Contriued and that his remoue f into this Countye of Waxford was in the sommer 1644
<to the 3dh interro:
4th: 5 and 6th
interrogatoryes> He Can not depose
<to the 7th interro:> Sath that the said Andrew did take the oath of association anno 1646 without which this deponent Conceaueth <m> he Could not haue benn permited to haue stayd in the Quarters
<to the rest of interrogatoryes> he Can not depose
Wm Stafford
Sworne and examed
before vs this 29th
of december 1653
Tho {Hart} John walker mathew Stot{hard}
fol. 249v