Deposition of Robert Peisley
[] accessed Wednesday 27th of September 2017 10:31 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 255r
The examinacion of Robert Peisley of Arthgarrot in the Com of Killdare gent who beeinge duely sworne vppon the holy Euangelist by vertue of a Commission to vs & others directed vnder his Maiesties gr eat seale of this Kingdome of I reland, sayth as followeth.Inpr That about the second of Nouember last there Came to this examinats land of Arthgarrot aforesaid the Rebell Anthony mc Donnell near the three castle s at the mountain e foot of the Com of Dublin gent with diuers other in his Company to the number of three or fowerscore to this examinat vnknowne all of them armed in a rebellyous manner & then & there threatned to kill this examinats tenants as they informed him & stripped them out of all their Clothes & then & there tooke from this examinat about fiue hundred english sheepe worth eight pounds a score which did amount vnto two hundred pounds ------------------------------------- 200 li. 00.00Item And they tooke from him of Corne in the stacke then & there
to the vallue of ----------------------------------------------------------- 80 li. 00.00Item they tooke from him six Cowes worth ------------------------- 10.00.00Item they tooke from him And they deprived him of the profitt of two farmes in the said Com contayninge Nynescore hundred acres of Irish the countrye measure in the one hee had twentye fower yeares to come & in the other Nineteene worth two hundred pounds a yeare ouer & aboue the lords rent to his damage of worth 600:00:00 being rated but at 3 yeares loss
<And further> Item hee sayth that about the tenth of January last Mathew Talbott of Killgobban in the County of Dublin gentleman & diuers others rebells to this examinat <A> vnknowne as this examinat was informed tooke from him from Rathmines neere the Cittye of Dublin seuen hundred & fortye sheepe most of them fatt weathers worth tenn pounds a score in all worth -------------------- 370:00:00Item hee And further sayth that hee was constrayned by reason of this Rebellion to sell fiue hundred sheepe for three & or fower pounds a score which were worth eight pounds a score by which hee lost ------------------------------------- 100.00.00
And hee was constrayned to sell fowerscore Cowes for six score pounds which were formerly before the Rebellion worth ninescore & tenn pounds
by which hee lost -------------------------------------------------------- 70.00.00Item there were alsoe by the Rebells taken from him two Mares & two Coults which were worth --------------------------------------------------------------- 10.00:00
Summa tot ---------------------------1440-00-00 [ ]
<290 li.
600 li.
Robert Peisley
jurat Martij 24. 1641.
Roger Puttocke
William Aldrich
fol. 255v