Examination of James Jordane re William Jordane
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fol. 260v
James Jordane of Eniscorthy gent aged about thirty foure yeares, being duely sworne & examined Concerning the withinsaid William Jordane saith and deposeth vizt That he well knew the said William and John his sonne, for that they were neere of kinne to this deponent. And saith that the said William did Liue in the Irish quarters, during his life without remoouing himselfe into the english quarters And further saith that he beleiues the said william did contribute as his neighbours did to the maintenance of the Irish q uarters forces in Armes against the english And further saith That the said John Jordane was in Armes with the Irish as a souldyer, and being vpon some <w> fight against the english about the yeare 1648: he the said John came home to his fathers howse wounded where the deponent did see him the said John, releiued harboured, & maintained by his father, where the said John was cared of his woundes, and further saith not &c
James Jurdan
Sworne before vs the
first of March 1653
Edward: Withee
B: Hussey