Deposition of Thomas Huetsonn

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:30 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-02-15
Identifier: 813260r192


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Desecration, Multiple Killing, Words
Commissioners: Roger Puttock, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

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<+> Thomas Hughe tsonn of the towne and County of Kildare an English protestant sworne and examined sayth: That about <A> a month or three weekes since, one John Courtys and of Kildare aforesaid weaver and Martin Courtis his sonne Walter White of the same towne Labourer Bonaventure Berry of the same towne the reputed of sonne of William Berry of the same towne a popish preist and Thomas Berry of Kildare aforesaid, nere the Kinsman to the said William Berry and divers other Rebells of the Irish did in the Cathedrall Church of Kildare aforesaid did digg vpp the graves of Dominick Hughitson this deponents said Brother whoe hadd beene buried about one fortnight 20 mounths and of Christian Hughitsonn his this deponents granmother whoe had beene buried about one weeke and tooke their Corpes out of the same graves and Chur c Church and layd them both in a hole which they digged vpp for that purpose within a garden out of the walls of the Churchyard: which was done by the now titular comand or procurement of Rosse mc Goshagon titulary Bishop of Kildare [ ] James dempsie the popish viccar generall there the said <B> William Baly ô Berry Preist dominick dempsie gardian of the ffrees whoe liveth in Kildare aforesaid James fflanagon of the same a fryer Brian ô Cormooley <B> of the same Preist ffryer, and other fryers whose names he now remembreth not: And further saith that the said William ô Berry brought this deponent before the said titulary Bishop and informed him that this deponent was lookeing in the Church window when the Corps of the his said brother & granmother were in takeing vpp and that he there writt downe the names of those parties that soe tooke vpon them vpp and soe desyred to know what must be done with this deponent whoe answered that if hee fownd that report to be true or that this deponent should doe any thing against their Catholique cause he would imprison and hang him, And further deposeth that some of the parties aboue named with diverse others of the Towne of Killdare sayd

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that they could not sanctify or hallow the said Chuch of Killdare untill the hereticks bones <+> were removed out of it. And further deposeth that the said parties sayd, That the Earle of Ormond had taken the castle of Dublin, to defend it against the English, and would suffer neither powder nor bulletts to come out of the castle for defence of the Citty, and advised the papists of the citt y Country to doe what they could against the protestants, whilst the secured the castle. And further deposeth, that the said parties sayd, That the Earle of Ordmund would not suffer any of the irish to be kild or hanged at the Nase, and that he hanged caused some of the Kings souldiers to be hanged at the Nase for killing some of the irish. And further deposeth, That Tho: ffitzGerald of Downene, in the County of Kildare gent. Garrott <C> ffitzGerald of Brownstowne of the said County gent John Lee of Rathbride said County Esquire Robert Nangle of Ballisacks in the said County gent Henry ffitzGerald of Kildare gent are out in actuall rebellion. And further deposeth, That it was commonly reported, that Phillip ffitzGerald of Killmage in the County of Kildare gent came to Dublin as a spy to see what forces and strength were at Dublin, and that he should gather a company if he thought the irish should be strong enough against the English. And further deposeth not
Thomas hewetson
jurat 15. ffebr. 1641.
Roger Puttocke
William Aldrich


Deponent Fullname: Thomas Huetsonn
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Courtys, Martin Courtis, Walter White, Bonaventure Berry, Thomas Berry, Tho: ffitzGerald, Garrott ffitzGerald, John Lee, Robert Nangle, Henry ffitzGerald, Phillip ffitzGerald, William Berry, Rosse mc Gohagon, James dempsie, dominick dempsie, James fflanagon, Brian , Dominick Huitson, Christian Huitsonn, Earle of Ormond
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned