Examination of William Stafford re John Deuerux

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=818269r250] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:13 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-01-04
Identifier: 818269r250


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Death, Robbery, Confederacy
Commissioners: B Hussey, Edward Withey
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 269r

The examinacion of William Stafford of Temon gentleman taken on oath on behalfe of the Comonwealth against John Deuerux of Dipts in the County of wexford gent
<To the 1st interro:> The deponent saith that the said John Deuerux the first yeare of the warr did liue at Dipts in the barronie of Shilmaleere and county of wexford & did not remoue into the English quarters as the english <k> and protestants residing neere the said Johns habitation then did but could not without loss of his estate):
<To the 2nd intero:> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 3d> The deponent saith that the said John did actually contribute with others of the inhabitants in the country his proportion of publique leuies reflecting on the <l> County for maintainance of the Irish forces as this deponent doth verely beleiue
<To the 4th and
5th> He Cannot depose
<To the 6th> The deponent saith that the said John Deuerux the said first yeare was present with a meeting of the County and Joyned with the rest then present in electing men for the generall assembly And <m> that likewise the said John to the best of his remembrance was a member of the county councell the said first yeare and sometime Sithince):
<To the 7th> The deponent saith that he is confident that the said John Deuerux did take and subscribe the oath of association as others of the nation <n> generally did, being a thing imposed on the whole Country
<To the 8th> Hee Cannot Depose

fol. 269v

<To the 9th intero:> The deponent saith that the said John Deuerux was one of the Commissioners of the Army for and in the county <o> in the yeares 1647 and 1648 the Cause of Knowledge is that the deponent was a Joynt Commissioner of the Army at that time with the said John
<To the 10th> The deponent saith that the said John Deuerux had a fathere by name Phillip Deuerux the first yeare of the warrs liueing at Dipts with the said John which said phillip did not remoue him selfe as he might haue done, into the english <p> quarters but before the warrs had made ouer the said Phillips estate to his said son John Deuerux by reason of his impotensie for his maintainance And further saith that the said John Deuerux had two brothers (vitz) Richard and Nicholas And that the said Nicholas acted in the Capacitye of a Captaine of foote in or about the yeare 1647 & 1648 in the regimentry millitarye office the first yeare of Collonel Warren and that the said Richard acted to the best of his memorie in some millitarye office the first yeare of the warrs and that the said Nicholas and Richard during their actuall seruice for the Irish had free recourse & corrispondancie to and with the said John Deuerux & were Countenanced & relieued by him as he verily beleaueth
<To the 11th> The deponent saith that one Ralph Waddington a protestant liueing at St Johns neere the Dipts did send away his wife & part of his children <q> toward England the said first yeare And that the said waddingtons wife with her children were drowned at Sea as the deponent Credibly heard And the deponent likewise heard and verelye beleiueth that the said waddingtons wife and children were plundered of their goods &c neere wexford but by whome the deponent knoweth not the cause of the deponents knowledge is for that the said Ralph waddington/:

fol. 270r

Did desire of the county councell to haue a bible of which being part of the goods taken from his wife was then with the said County councell father Nicholas ffrench preist which the said Waddington was denyed of, and was vnder a cloud and out of fauour with the some of the Irish partye being he turned to masse for demanding the said bible
<To the 12th & 13th> Hee Cannot Depose
Wm Stafford
Sworne before vs the
4th of January 1654
Edward withee
B Hussey

fol. 270v

Jo: Deuereux – Dips – fair{e}

Deponent Fullname: William Stafford
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Deuerux, Phillip Deuerux, Richard Deuerux, Nicholas Deuerux, Collonel Warren, Ralph Waddington
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Mentioned, Victim