Deposition of Margrett Roch
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:30 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 272r
Margrett Roch late of Smithstowne in the County of Kildare spinster servant to James Garstang of the same gent sworne & examined saith that since the present belo n Rebellion began vizt about January last that she sawe one James Hicky servant to Nicholas Wogan of Racoffy in the County of Kildare Esquire and three or 4 more of Mr the said Mr Wogans servants when they forceibly tooke and carryed away with them from the said Mr Garstang <A> her Masters howse: all the Malt that one Dempsie another of the Rebells had not taken away of the goods of her said Master & the very dore of the howse itself & carryed them to Racoffy aforesaid: And shee alsoe saw the said Wogans servants carry away her Masters tymber from his said howse & to fall fall cutt downe & carry away his woods and tymber there growing And she was alsoe present when one Jenico Rochford of Kilbridee and divers others in his Company being all Rebells did first breake open enter and seise vpon the said howse and from thence forceibly tooke away of the goods of the said James Garstang all his cowes horses swyne and all his howsholdgoods which they cold they well carry away being of great value And she alsoe sawe one Geo: Walsh of Panistowne in the sayd County yeoman gent, and about 20 more of the Rebells When they at another tyme broke open [ ] the said hows and tooke away the locks of the dores, Chares stooles & other the goods thinges which were left of the goods of the said James Garstang her Master
signum Margarete Roch
Jur 25o ffebr 1641
Roger Puttocke
Will: Hitchcock
fol. 272v
Kildare Margarett
Roch ex parte Ja: Garstrang
24o ffebr 1641