Examination of Patricke Lamporte re Christopher Devereux
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fol. 276r
The examinacion of Patricke Lamporte of Ballicrenegan gent aged about fortie yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Com: wea: Concerning Christopher Devereux of Killelane in the barrony of forth & County of wexford gent deceased vpon the Interro: annexed to the Comission of enquiry
<To the 1st interr> The examinant deposeth and saith that the said Christopher Devereux dwelte at Killelane in the said barrony & County the first yeare & the whole tyme of the rebellyon in the Irish quarters, and did not thenc{e} <w> remooue into the english quarters, As he might haue done as well as Nicholas Codd, Adam Waller Edmond Burdeaux & other protestants Liuing neere him, the said Christopher except povertie had hindered his departure The deponents cause of Knowledge is for that the deponent Lived with in halfe a mile to the said Deuereux the whole time of the said rebellyon
<To the 2d Inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 3d inter> Hee cannot depose,
<To the 4th Inter> The examinant deposeth and saith that the said Deuereux did act in, & abet the said rebellyon in the first yeare of the same, for that the deponent hath seen the said <x> christofer in actuall Armes, the said first yeare, & having the Comand or place of an ensigne of the Company raysed & Comanded by Phillip Lamporte of Ballehyre, & that the deponent hath seen the said christofer Comand & march in the front of parte of the said Company to the seabankes to defend the shoore against the english shipping then riding in Greenorebay: & the deponents further cause of knowledge is for that the said christofer with Phillip Lamporte & Tho: Harper his Lieutenant came to the deponents howse & would haue taken a distresse, because the deponent did not take <vp armes>
<To the 5th Interr> The deponent saith that he hath seen the said christofer at seaverall generall meetings of the Irish at the crosse of Killinicke as well the first yeare as sithence, in order to the carrying on the warr
fol. 276v
<To the 6: 7: &
8th Inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 9th inter> The deponent refferreth himselfe to the foregoeing parte of his deposicion contayned in his answeare to the 4th Interrogatory
<To the 10th Inter> Hee deposeth and saith that the said christofer had a sonne by Name Michaell Deuereux, who was at Mans estate, & Liued in the County of wexford in the <y> Irish quarters the whole time of the rebellion of whose demeanor or actings the deponent can giue noe account,
<To the 11th 12th &
13th inter> Hee cannot depose and further saith not
Patricke lamport
Sworne before vs th
17th of January 1653
Will Woodwards
B Hussey
John walker