Examination of William Synnot re Christopher Deuereux
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fol. 277r
William Synnot of Balliconnor husbandman aged about forty yeares being sworne and examined Concerning the said James Peirce Christopher Deuereux
vpon the whole matter of the Interrogatoryes the deponent saith that the said christofer dwelt at Killelane the time of the rebellyon till he dyed, and did not thence remooue into the english quarters as his protestant Neighbours did And saith that the deponent about two or three yeares after the rebellyon brake forth, did see the said christofer most, Comonly euery Lordsday in the <a> afternoone to teach some of the people of Kilrane parish to exercise their Armes, but the people deponent doth not know of any office or any Comand that the said christofer had, & further saith that the said Jam Christopher did beat this deponent with his staffe, because the deponent would not learne to exercise as others of the parish did & further saith not
William [mark] Synnot
his marke
Sworne before vs th
21st of January 1653
Will Woodwards
John walker
fol. 277v
1 Christopher Deuereux Killelane
Christopher deuerox
of Killilean