Examination of Edward Synnott re James Codd
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fol. 280r
The Examinacion of Edward Synnott of Roslare yeoman, aged about fortie foure yeares, taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning James Codd of Clogheast in the County of wexford gent
<To the 1st interr> The examinant deposeth and saith that he well knoweth the said James Codd, & to his the deponents personall knowledge the said James did the first yeare of the Rebellyon & ever since, Liue at Clogheast in the County of wexford in the Irish quarters and <l> did not thence remooue into the english quarters As Nicholas Codd of Castletowne & other protestants his neighbours did
<To the 2d inter> He cannot depose
<To the 3d inter> The deponent saith that he is confident that the said Ja: did actually contribute men his vtmost power & <m> endeauour in raysing men, money & prouisions for propagating the Irish rebellyon & did himselfe beare his proporcion of the publicque Leuyes
<To the 4th interr> Hee deposeth and saith that the said James was in the first yeare of the rebellyon, an actor and an abetter of the same, The deponents cause of knowledge is for that this deponent did see him the said James in actuall Armes with a party of Armed men <n> vnder his Comand against Duncannon forte in the first yeare of the said rebellyon & as the deponent perfectly remembers, the said James was against Duncannon aforesaid, vpon good fryday being the 28th of March the said first yeare
<To the 5th inter> The deponent saith that he hath seen the said James Codd at a meeting of the Irish at Bourkestowne, in the <o> said first yeare, & confidently beleiues that the said James was at other publicque meetings of the Irish that first yeare, with others of the Countrey, in order to the carrying on the warre
<{ }>
fol. 280v
<To the 6th inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 7th inter> The deponent saith that he hath Heard that the said James <p> was a did take the oath of associacion
<To the 8th inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 9th interr> Hee saith that the said James had some office or Comand <q> of a party of men but what office he knoweth not
<To the 10th interr> That the said James had a brother by name Robert Codd who was in actuall Armes against Duncannon <r> fforte in the said first yeare, this deponents cause of knowledge is that he hath seen that said Robert there
<To the 11: & 12> Hee cannot depose
<To the 13th inter> The deponent saith that to the best of his knowledge the said James Codd was in & Joyned with the party of Irish that killed Lt Treuisoe and fifteen more of the english [ ] <s> neere Dungulp, the said first yeare The said James being at that time to the deponents knowledge, not retayned as eyther officer of souldyer or in pay with the Irish, and further saith not
Edward Sinnott
Sworne before vs the 7th of
January 1653
Edward withey
B Hussey