Deposition of Oliver Daverin

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:30 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-22
Identifier: 813287r212


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Words
Commissioners: John Sterne, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 287r

Oliuer Daverin of Rathmore in the parish of Rathmore within the Barony of the Naas and Countie of Kildare gentleman duely sworne saith
That on or aboute the sixteenth of December last he was at Rathmore aforesaid robbed and dispoyled of his goods to the values followeing vizt In Corne one and fiftie pounds In Cattle and beasts foure & thirtie pounds. In hay and turfe eight pounds. In houshouldstuffe one hundred eleaven pounds three shillings and six pence or thereaboutes. In other goods seaven pounds six shillings. In Leases or Chattles threescore & <281 li. 9 s. 6 d.> ten pounds. All amounting to the summe of two hundred foure score and one pounds nyne shillings and six pence or theraboutes By or by the menes of theis rebells (as the deponent was informed being then in Dublin) one reputed Captaine Allen of Coolemyne a captaine of the rebells there William Rowse William Rutledge Donogh <A> Clancy all of Rathmore husbandmen James Toole, with three of mr Christopher Handcockes men of Newtowne whose names he knowes not with diuers others yeett vnknowen to the deponent. All the trayterous woords vttered or spoken by any of rebells against the protestants to the deponents knowledge was in this manner; The deponent aboute the begining of theis troubles had a conference with Thomas Linge of Rathmore aforesaid (nowe one of the rebells) concerneing the robberies & other outrages comitted against the English & protestants, he this deponent then said it was pittie & that god would punish them for destroying & takeing away the neighbours goods (meaneing the protestants) in that kind, the said Linge then answered & said that the protestants were noe neighbors of theirs, butt they were hereticks & therefore noe breach of Conscience to take away their goods, As for any other circumstance or passadge touching this present rebellion, or any outradges comitted by the rebells against the protestants whereby any of them were slaine outright or dyed or perished of their wounds or by their nakednes or want the deponent cannott depose, other then what he heard by the relation of other men.
Oliuer Daverin
Jur 22 Januar 1641
John Sterne
William Aldrich


fol. 287v

fol. 288r


fol. 288v


Oliuer Daverin. Com
Jur 22o Jan. 1641.
Cert fact
16 Dec


Deponent Fullname: Oliuer Daverin
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: William Rowse, * Allen, William Rutledge, Donogh Clancy, James Toole, Christopher Handcocke, Thomas Linge
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel