Deposition of Richard Webb
[] accessed Wednesday 27th of September 2017 09:43 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 219r
Richard Webb late of Kilbegg in the parish of Kilbrogan and Countie of Corke & barony of Kinalmekey yeoman &c. he beeing duely examined by vertue of his maiesties Comission, deposeth and saith that on or about the second day of ffeberuary last past hee was robed and dispoyled of his goods & Chattels to the value of these seuerall somes following viz of
In Cowes heiffers Seers oxen an horses ffiftie nine pounds ster: houshold goods Three pounds, in corne eighteene pounds, in iust and due debts lost by the said rebellion ffortie fiue pounds, allso he had a lease of parte of the said Kilbegg for ninteene yeares to come, worth foure pound per anum: ouer and aboue his rent, the said lease being valued is worth Thirtie pounds ster: he was driuen and expeled frome the benefitt thereof by meanes of the late rebellion soe that he conceaueth the totall of his losses to amount vnto one hundred ffiftie fiue pounds. & further he deposeth not
Richard We
Jurat coram nobis
23o 7bris 1642
Tho: Graye Dec:
Phil: Bisse
fol. 219v
Richard Webbs Examimation