Deposition of Phillipp Vaughane
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:00 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 230r
Phillipp Vaughane of Moyallowe in the Countie of Corcke yeoman (protestante) d { uely } sworne and examined by vertue &c deposeth and saith, That in febru{ary} last past 1641 and since the begineinge of this present rebellion in Irelan{d} hee was robbed and forceably Dispoyled of his goods and Chattles to {the} seauerall vallues followeinge (viz) value of 81 li.Of Cowes and yearelings to the vallue of fiue and Twenty pounds s{ter} of horses and Mares to the vallue of Twelue pounds ster: of Piges { } swyne to the Vallue of of three pounds ster: of houshould stuffe { } provision to the Vallue of Tenn pounds ster: of hay to the vallue of { } shillings ster, And this deponent further saith that hee is hurte {and} Dampnified by the burneinge of his Barne att Lackinnelowghy and { lost a? } ricke of wheate to the vallue of thirty pounds ster. which And this d{eponent} saith that hee lost his said g oods Chattles Barne and Corne w{ } my lord of Mountgarrett & the rest of the Irish Army beinge {in } rebellion, were att the siedge of Moyallowe The totall of hi{s loss} amountes to the summ of fowerscore and one pounds and Tenn shilling{s} And further this deponent cannott depose &c.Phillip PV va{ughan}
his m{arke}
Jurat coram nobis
vltimo die maij 1642
Tho: Bettesworth
Phil: Bisse
Ric: Williamson
fol. 230v
The examination of
Phillipp vaghan