Examination of Jonas Rushworth
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fol. 318v
Jonas Rushworth of Eniscorthy gent aged fifitie one yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne and examined <q> Concerning the foresaid Sir Morgan Cavanagh knight deceased Deposeth and saith That he well knew the said sir Morgan for that he was accustomed both in time of peace & warre to lodge at the deponent howse at Eniscorthy: And further saith that the said Sir Morgan being in restrainte in Dublin in the beginning of the said Rebellyon, did escape thence, & came into the Countye of wexford, the then quarters of the Irish, where he raysed a Regiment for the Irish against the english, and issued warrants vnder his owne hand for the raysing moneys & prouisions for maintenance and paie of his said Regiment
fol. 319r
And that the said Sir Morgan Marched with his said Regiment to Ballibegg and there Joyned with the Irish & fought against the english, where he the said Sir Morgan Receaued some wound, whereof he suddenly after dyed: The Deponents cause of knowledge is for that the said Sir Morgan tooke vp his lodging at this deponents howse since the warre as aforesaid, and related to this deponent the manner of his escape out of Dublin as into the County of wexford, and for that the deponent did see the said Sir Morgan Marching in the head of seauerall Companyes of his said Regiment, at his goeing out and Returne to the said County and <r> with his forces, and that the said Sir Morgan layd at the deponents howse the night before he tooke his Journey towardes Ballibegg with his Regiment as aforesaid, and further saith not.
Jonas Rushwort{h}
Sworne before vs the
28th of ffebr 1653
Edward: withey
B: Hussey
fol. 319v
Sir Morgan Cauanagh