Deposition of Alexander Haie
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:04 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 356r
Alexander Haie of the parrish of CastleCarbry and Countie of Kildare yeoman sworne & examined sayth: That on or abowt the xxjth of december Last 1641: hee this deponent, was by the rebells in the Countie of Kildare, robbed and dispoyled of his goodes & chattells of the value & to his presente hereafter mencioned vizt of beasts and Cattle worth xv li., horses worth xj li. Howsholdgoodes & provition worth xxiij li. xvj s. sheepe worth iij li. ster Swyne worth xxxij s. ster, ready mony 40 li. In debts xvj li. apparell worth xv li. In all amounting to one hundreth and Sixteene tenn Pownds <A> viij s.: And further deposeth that the rebells Sir John Burk knighte of Drumfeth in the Countie of Kildare, and Captain Bremigham in the parish of Carbery gentleman & their souldjers whose names hee knows not, robbed him of his said goodes: And this deponent wishing the said Sir John Bourkes ladie to leave of from beinge a Rebell, and to become a good subiecte: she replied that they had long enough beene Slaves to the English and it was now tyme to looke for their right And this deponent selling and deliuering to the said Sir John Burk the worth of x s. in Iron and steele (for which the said Sir John never payd him) He the said Sir John converted the same into pikes for the Rebells And further sayth that the said Sir John & his lady and their their tenants did robb and take from the englishe: ffortie Cowes in a night, and came with the same towards dublin: and spent some of the mony in drincking day and night And they the said Sir John & his wife Lady, and their tenants alsoe robbed and tooke from the Englishe three hundreth sheepe & more And further sayth that the said Captain Brimigham wished that he had but Sir Charles Coote in his custody And that if he had him O how he would slash and cutt him into Collops And that he had rather then his mothers Castle that he had him And further saith that the said Sir John did daily drinck with the Rebells: And his said Lady would & did from tyme to tyme freely call vpon rebells to come to her howse, where she and her husband entertained and harboured them and that she vpon all occasions was more cruell
fol. 356v
cruell and feirce then her husband against the english protestants: Shee and her family eating vp and devouring the ferkins of butter Left with her in trust by Mr Bradley Huetson the preacher of that parrish and a protestant minister: And she & the said Sir John Bourke her husband sent the said Mr Bradleys Huetsons beefe and his horses to the enimyes the Rebells: And further sayth that the said Ladie Bourke was since apprehended, by or by the meanes of this deponent for her said actions, as she was in her Coach, in dublin, which being searched there was fownd there twoe baggs of gunpowder; each of the Length of his arme, and some pewter which she (haveing been three dayes before in Towne) had bought and was to carrie home into the Cuntrie
Allex Hay
Jur 25o Junij 1642
Hen: Brereton.
Joh Watson.
Edw Pigott
fol. 357r
fol. 357v
Alexander Haie Jur 30o Junij
Cert fact
Intr hand w