Examination of Marcus Power re Arthur Cheevers
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=818329v321] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:39 AM
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fol. 329v
Marcus Power of Bannow yeoman aged about thirty yeares deposeth Concerning the withinsaid Arthur Chee=vers that the deponent did see the said Arthur Cheeuers in Armes about Christmas 1641: as a priuate gentleman abetting the Rebellyon with & among the Irish gathered togeather to a place called Clonsarraugh the n neere vnto Duncannon forte, beseiging the same & the deponent further saith that the deponent did see the said Arthur in Armes at the fight of Ballibegg neere <o> Rosse vnder the Comand of one Major Dauid Synot which fight was about the 17th of March 1642: But the deponent knoweth not of any office millitary that the said Arthur did execute, & further Cannot depose
Marcus Power
his [mark] marke
Sworne before vs the
8th of ffebr 1653
Tho Hart Am Andrewes