Examination of John O’Murrow re Arthur Cheevers
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=818329v322] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:41 PM
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fol. 329v
John Shane ô Murrow of Maglasse yeoman aged fiftie eight years or thereabouts being duely sworne & examind Concerning the foresaid Arthur Cheevers of Ballimadder gent <p> that he well knoweth the said Arthur, for that he did see the said Arthur Cheeuers in Armes with a partie of men vnder his Comand (the certaine Number of whom the examinant doth not remember, at & their Names likewise the deponent hath forgot, onely one Thomas Cheeuers John Neuell & Anthonie S y nnot with whom the deponent was acquainted which Arthur & his Company aforesaid were, & Joyned with the Irish that layd seige to Duncannon forte about the first Easter after the rebellyon began The deponents further cause of knowledge is for that the deponent did know & see the said Arthurs men to passe vpon dutie, & to keep in a place by themselues distinct, as their quarter, as each Company did & further saith not &c
John ô Murrow
his [mark] marke
Sworne before vs the
10th of ffebr 1653
Tho Hart Am Andrewes